Kamala Harris Overtakes Donald Trump in New Polls

Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris

New polling from New York Times/Sienna has seen the Democratic Party Candidate move ahead of Donald Trump in the battleground states that have been crucial for Democratic Party victories in previous elections -Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

According to the New York Times, the polls, which were conducted between August 5 to 9, give Kamala Harris a clear four point lead over Donald Trump. In the new poll, 46% of likely voters say they will vote for the Republican Party Candidate, Donald Trump, while 50% expressed an intention to vote for Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party candidate.

This marks a break with recent polling, both the ones conducted before President Joe Biden pulled out of the race and those conducted after Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party which while showing Donald Trump in the lead, over President Joe Biden and Vice President Joe Biden respectively, were within the margins of error.

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Character is Everything

It seems that voters may be at last getting repulsed by former President Donald Trump’s unconventional conduct and politics. Trump has been caught on tape saying he “grabs women by the pussy”. He has been convicted for  disguising paying a former porn star for sex  and openly courts extreme right wing elements who stormed the Capitol, seat of American legislature on January 6 2021, mobilised by Trump’s claims that the 2020 presidential elections was “stolen” by the Democratic Party.

Les Lanser, an 89 year old who usually votes Republican says he finds Trump’s behaviour “disrespectful ” and “unacceptable”. He is leaning towards voting for Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party candidate, because the alternative is not “the alternative is not just at all acceptable in my mind- because character is everything”.

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Kamala Harris seen as more intelligent but Donald Trump More Trusted on the Economy 

The new polls found that registered voters in the battleground states found Kamala Harris more intelligent and “more temperamentally fit to govern” than Donald Trump. But Donald Trump, the new polls found, is more trusted to handle the economy and immigration, two issues that are very important concerns for many voters. Democrats hence will continue to look at their backs even as Kamala Harris has brought huge momentum to their presidential campaign after President Biden exited the 22024 presidential elections and is opening up a clear lid in the polls. The American unemployment rate rose to 4.3% in July 2024, leading to fears of an economic recession; a recession will make it much harder if not near impossible for Kamala Harris to win the elections.

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