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  1. Expression of Interest: EU SEE Monitoring and Early Warning Support Grants

The EU SEE is a new six-year program that works with civil society to detect and respond to deteriorating conditions for civil rights and freedoms, as well as other factors that influence how civil society works in 86 countries.

The program, funded by the European Union, is being implemented in Africa, Asia, the MENA region and Latin America. It supports local, regional and national CSOs and networks that bear the brunt of civic space restrictions. Through the program, they generate and/or gain access to up-to-date information concerning the changing enabling environment in their countries.

The program is intended to engage with partners in different contexts by leveraging expertise in the areas of gender equality, diversity and inclusion and pay particular attention to under-represented groups in their various contexts and intersectionality.


  • The EU SEE operates on two components.
    • Lot 1: Monitors both progress and obstacles affecting the ability of civil society to do its work. The second component.
    • Lot 2: responds to the need for more flexible and timely financial support for civil society to do its work. Lot 1 consists of internal and external coordination and support for building the system, the EU SEE Early Warning mechanism (EWM) and annual country focus reports.

Call Summary

  • Lot 1 is seeking proposals from civil society organizations or networks who demonstrate experience in the following:
    • Familiarity and experience with research, methodology design, legal research, primary and secondary research methods and report writing and publication;
    • Experience in conducting human rights advocacy and campaigning;
    • Strong connections with a diverse range of civil society organizations in the country, including NGOs, organizations supporting marginalized groups, human rights organizations, anti-corruption organizations, grassroots organizations, trade unions and social movements;
    • Demonstrable capacity to conduct outreach and research beyond the capital cities, to rural and grassroots environments.

Funding Information and Duration

  • The requested amount should be between 15,000 to 20,000 Euros per year for a duration of 1 year with renewal possibility subject to meeting performance expectations.

Project Activities and Deliverables 

  • Key project activities and deliverables include
    • Monitoring and reporting: Regularly gather, document, and report information on the enabling environment using standardised templates/methodology.
    • Early Warning System Participation: Notify the EU SEE consortium of significant events that impact the enabling environment for civil society, providing detailed summaries and sources.
    • Country Focus Reports: Contribute to annual country reports by providing data, qualitative analyses, and recommendations on key principles affecting the enabling environment.
    • Collaboration and coordination: Work closely with consortium partners, EU representatives, and other stakeholders to share insights and develop advocacy strategies.
    • Public communication: Disseminate findings through various channels, including mainstream and social media, ensuring timely and accurate public communication.

Geographic Focus

  • Benin
  • Costa Rica
  • Côte d’Ivoire
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Jamaica
  • Kenya
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Malaysia
  • Mauritius
  • Nepal
  • Morocco
  • Namibia
  • Panama
  • Sierra Leone
  • Timor-Leste
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Zambia

Eligibility Criteria

  • This call is directed to civil society organizations or networks that:
    • Have grown their capacity to manage long-term grants and are currently based in the countries listed below
    • Have a track record and experience in monitoring the enabling environment for civil society in your country’s contexts. Have the expertise on data collection and analysis of an enabling environment for civil society and capacity to collect and document data on civic space
    • Preferably have outreach ability through mainstream or social media
    • Have extensive partnerships in civil society, including with groups who have been historically marginalised
    • Have the flexibility to work with other civil society actors
    • Have national coverage in their work especially to rural areas

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  1. Harnessing Synergies: Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Reduction in the Migrant-Inclusive Health System Responses Project (Lebanon)

Deadline: 20-Sep-2024

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction is pleased to invite qualified organizations to submit their respective proposals for the “Harnessing synergies between climate change adaptation and risk reduction in migrant-inclusive health system responses in Lebanon” project.


  • The overall objective of the joint programme is to contribute to strengthening synergies between CCA and risk reduction in the MENA region through mainstreaming a gender-sensitive human mobility lens into national public health adaptation strategies and DRR strategies and enhance understanding of health impacts of climate change among the host and migrant communities in the target countries.
  • Under this grant, the purpose is to develop a local resilience action plan for a selected city or union of municipalities in Akkar through utilizing UNDRR’s scorecards (the public health system resilience addendum and the disaster resilience scorecard). The local resilience action plan must be developed with direct cooperation and consultation with the local government of the city/union of municipalities and other relevant stakeholders.

Funding Information

  • 90,000 USD


  • The duration of the proposed project cannot exceed 30th September 2025


  • The joint programme has three outcomes. This grant is concerned with outcome 2 which focuses on having a new or updated local-level public health adaptation strategy and a DRR strategy which integrate a human mobility lens including a migrant-inclusive approach in the respective target city.


  • A local-level resilience plan with a gender-responsive, human mobility-sensitive health response approach is developed and accessible to the policy makers and health institutions as a good practice example for inclusive local-level policy making.

Eligible Activities

  • Projects’ activities can include, amongst others, the following:
    • seminars, workshops, trainings;
    • capacity building activities;
    • institutional strengthening activities and
    • advocacy

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants are required to indicate a plan for implementation, taking into consideration challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The project budget can’t be increased/exceeded.

Ineligible Activities

  • The following types of activities will not be covered:
    • capital expenditure, e.g. land, buildings, equipment and vehicles;
    • individual scholarships for studies or training courses;
    • supporting political parties; and
    • sub-contracting


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  1. CFA’s: UN Women’s Family Wellbeing Program to Promote Gender Equitable Parenting (Jordan)

Deadline: 29-Sep-2024

The UN Women is accepting applications to identify a local implementing Civil Society Organizations (CSO) to develop and implement an elective university course on family wellbeing that promotes gender equitable parenting.

The overall goal of this regional programme is that more women and girls across the MENA region benefit from the transformation of patriarchal masculinities and social norms that is achieved using the caregiving and household responsibilities of men and boys as entry point.

Funding Information

  • The budget range for this proposal should be (160,000 – 170,000 JOD).


  • This is a two-year implementation project, from end-September 2024 to end-September 2026.


  • The three main interventions to be carried out by the Responsible Party through this project in Jordan are as follows:
    • Conduct a gender review of the targeted Jordanian universities involved in the project (at least three public universities)
    • Development and implementation of an elective university course on family wellbeing that promotes shared household responsibilities and gender equitable parenting
      • This course aims to promote family wellbeing by addressing the required knowledge and skills for shared household responsibilities and gender equitable parenting within the family, with a focus on young men/male university students. By encouraging young men to actively participate in caregiving and household responsibilities, and to encourage young women to participate in the labour market, the course seeks to transform patriarchal masculinities and social norms. The course will be held in at least three public universities. The responsible party should have an existing relationship with the universities that they intend to work with.
    • Design and implementation of interactive activities targeting universities.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Women’s organizations or entities are highly encouraged to apply.
  • No proposal may be modified subsequent to the deadline for the submission of proposals.
  • No proposal may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of proposals and the expiration of the period of proposal validity.
  • A proposal valid for a shorter period may be rejected.

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  1. Fresh Leaf Charitable Foundation

The following key areas: • The social and economic empowerment of women and girls • Access to opportunity for children and young people • Education, vocational training and entrepreneurship • Excellence in the Arts

The application and reporting processes are handled by our grant management partners at Amanaska Advisory Ltd where all inquiries should please be directed accordingly.

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  1. L’Oréal Fund for Women

The L’Oréal Fund for Women is a charitable fund launched in 2020 to support frontline organizations in their efforts to help women to get out of poverty, prevent domestic, sexual and gender-based violence against women. The Fund focuses on supporting women and girls’ empowerment, particularly through projects in favor of social or professional integration and education. A specific attention is paid to refugee women and women with disabilities. In 2023, the Fund has been renewed until 2026. Please note that the next round of applications will be opened from Sept 16th 2024 (12pm CEST) to Oct 17th 2024 (12pm CEST).

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  1. CS Mott Foundation

Mott’s Civil Society programme provides grants to support national, regional and global-level organizations working to protect the space for civic engagement, enhance community philanthropy development and increase access to justice in communities around the world. Their Environment programme primarily funds organizations in the US, but also makes grants to selected organizations in other countries to help ensure that international investment and trade support sustainable development and reduce environmental degradation. Our objective: provide access to renewable energy in developing countries in the Amazon and sub-Saharan Africa.

While we’re open to new ideas and projects, funding for unsolicited requests is very limited. If you’re interested in submitting an idea to us for funding, the first step is to complete a letter of inquiry (LOI) form. Your LOI will help our program staff determine the relevance of your proposed project to our programs and provide you with advice on whether to submit a full proposal. Locations are Developing countries in the Amazon and sub-Saharan Africa for their Environment programme. Globally for their Civil Society programme.

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  1. Creating Hope in Conflict: A Humanitarian Grand Challenge – Transition to Scale


We are looking for innovation ideas for our Transition to Scale (TTS) program. We offer funding between $300,000 CAD up to $1,500,000 CAD, and a robust support program that runs for  12–24 months. We focus on supporting people who have been affected by conflict with particular focus on the hardest to reach. Please click here to read the full information sheet.

Preference will be given to innovations that are locally owned or locally led with majority of the management and governance comprising of people from the affected communities.

Areas of focus:

  • Access to energy
  • Health Supplies and Services
  • Life-saving information
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Creating Hope in Conflict: A Humanitarian Grand Challenge (HGC) is a partnership of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), the Government of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Global Affairs Canada, with support from Grand Challenges Canada.

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  1. Maximum 25% of a project/initiative costs and no more than 30.000€
    2. Grants can have varying amounts.
    3. Contributions are usually one-off and mostly non-recurring (except funds to Universities, which provide grants to their students).


1. The project is impactful and aligned with the objectives of the Foundation;
2. The project description must clearly mention the needs it addresses, its positive impact and the effective use of the funds;
3. The requested funding represents a maximum of 25% of the total costs of the project, including staff costs if applicable. The grant request can also not exceed 30.000€.
4. An evaluation of the project’s effectiveness is requested.

1. Projects which do not align with the Foundation’s objectives;
2. Commercial sponsorship requests, sponsoring of sports or cultural events, sponsoring of fundraising activities for NGOs and other charitable causes;
3. Projects previously submitted;
4. Projects/ charities directly affiliated with any political or religious organisation or actively promoting any particular faith or ideology;
5. Failure to provide an evaluation of the organisation’s project’s effectiveness (current or past projects);
6. Incomplete submissions;
7. Projects / organisations with high overheads or funding costs.

1. The project is realistic and aligned with Eurofins Foundation’s objectives;
2. The project addresses 2 or more objectives;
3. The Eurofins Foundation’ contributes to a positive and lasting impact (sustainable approach);
4. The project methodology is sufficiently described and is appropriate;
5. The project is in line with the Foundation’s inclusion, equality and diversity values;
6. Eurofins Foundation’s contribution provides a “booster” to the organisation supported, to find additional funding from other sources or make progress beyond the amount that may be contributed by the Eurofins Foundation;
7. The beneficiary organisation has demonstrated being effective in the past with funds received;
8. The overhead, advertising and funding acquisition costs of the organising body are less than 20% of the funds collected (i.e. at least 80% of funds are allocated to the objectives / beneficiaries of the charity supported);
9. Where possible and applicable, projects that, in addition to their primary focus being aligned to the foundation’s areas of focus, are using prevention measures and education to actively contribute to the reduction of inequalities and promote inclusion and diversity are given enhanced consideration for support.

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  1. Safe Online Global Open Call

Fostering a safer internet worldwide by addressing online child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) and related harms through a comprehensive approach across multiple sectors. Proposals are welcome under three investment pillars: Networks and Systems, Research and Data, and Technology Tools.

All the entities shall be registered as a legal entity (nonprofit or for-profit organisation) in the country or countries of implementation. Entities must have a safeguarding policy or similar in place (including data privacy) or will be willing to develop a policy. Entities shall also pass a PSEA assessment and other due diligence assessments run by UNICEF. Entities shall be able to provide auditing records of the last two financial years (or justify why this is not possible).

Know more and Apply here 

  1. Search for Common Ground Rapid Response Fund

The Fund is designed to respond to urgent needs in the current women, peace and security (WPS) landscape across 78 countries (listed below). The objective is to provide simple-to-access funds directly to a diverse range of women-led initiatives to respond to emerging crises and seize new openings for the advancement of WPS outcomes in fragile and conflict affected contexts.

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Funding is meant primarily for women-led or women-serving groups. Only rarely will we support INGOs.

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