- Youth Rising 2023 World Radio Day Youth Essay Challenge in Uganda
Deadline: 10-Feb-23
The Youth Rising is now accepting applications for its 2023 World Radio Day Youth Essay Challenge.
Challenge Question
Also Read:
- The theme for the 12th edition of the World Radio Day, to be celebrated on 13 February 2023, is “Radio andPeace”.
- War, as an antonym to peace, signifies an armed conflict between countries or groups within a country, but may also translate into a conflict ofmedia The narrative can increase tensions or maintain conditions for peace in a given context – for instance weigh in on the rough or smooth conduct of elections, the rejection or integration of returnees, the rise or tempering of nationalistic fervour, etc. In reporting and informing the general public, radio stations shape public opinion and frame a narrative that can influence domestic and international situations and decision-making processes.
- Radio can indeed fuel conflict but in reality, professional radio moderates conflict and/or tensions, preventing their escalation or bringing about reconciliation and reconstruction talks. In contexts of distant or immediate tension, relevant programmes and independent news reporting provide the foundation for sustainable democracyand good governance by gathering evidence about what is happening, informing citizens about it in impartial and fact-based terms, explaining what is at stake and brokering dialogue among different groups in society.
Note: In not more than 500 words, share your opinions and experiences on Radio and Peace in Uganda.
No. of Entries: 200 They will accept and review up to 200 entries on a first come first serve basis.
Developing Your Essay
- They recommend that you take your time to develop your submission in Ms. Word before you paste it into the application form. Develop your essay as a one-page, not more than 500 words, Times New Roman, Size 12, single-spaced, and Justified. After you have completed your essay, you will be able to copy it and paste it into the PDF application form that you can download here: download form here
For more information, visit Youth Rising.
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- Request for Proposals: Scoping Study on Food Culture
Deadline: 13-Feb-23
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to engage the services of a Service Provider to complete a scoping study on Food Culture in India.
Scope of Work
The successful applicant shall present a scoping study that combines a desk review with key informant interviews. The desk review will focus on Indian food culture by regions, regional food traditions (e.g., meals and cuisines), evolving food traditions, changes in family structure and food patterns, religion and food, food and schools, food and climate policy, media landscape, key media outlets/channels, including media’s portrayal of food issues. The desk review will inform the identification of experts (food industry (manufacturers, chefs, caterers), government, education, health and media) for interviews that focus on the key insights that emerged from the desk review.
- This scoping study will be used to orient the DGA towards the opportunities and challenges at the interface of food culture with food policy, entertainment, religion, education. Specific objectives to be answered by the work include:
- Identify the core food culture facts, ideas, and moments, and descriptions of the regional food cultures, including each region’s core/common cultural beliefs, cultural values.
- How religion, family life/structures, and media landscape contribute to and shape food culture
- Core narratives in the media that frame how food, climate changeis perceived
- Key policies guiding how the country will address nutritious diets and/or climate threats to food system
- This scoping study will inform initial DGA entry points (i.e., key topics, key ideas) in country and help GAIN/DGA understand the local food culture.
- Kick-off meeting& periodic check-in meetings with GAIN during the consultancy
- Inception report that highlights the key topics for the desk review
- Desk review and report focusing on insights
- Identify and contact local experts, with input from DGA/GAIN
- Develop interview questions
- Conduct expert interviews (approx. 15 interviews)
- Compile interview notes and insights
- Draft report to answer 4 objectives above
- Revise report, based on feedback from GAIN
- Final report that includes key insights from desk review and interviews
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed by the Selection Team. The following indicate a list of the significant criteria against which proposals will be assessed. This list is not exhaustive or 100% inclusive and is provided to enhance the applicants’ ability to respond with substance.
Applicants are required to submit the following information, conforming to the guidelines given in this section:
- Understanding of the scope of work:
- Proposal shall demonstrate a clear understanding of the project objective and deliverables.
- Demonstrate a clear understanding of the technical requirements of this RFP:
- Providing detailed technical documentation of the proposed strategy.
- Evidence of experience delivering solutions using the proposed information technology
- The creative and methodological approaches required to implement each of the parts of the scope of work.
- Comprehensiveness of work plan and reasonableness of proposed time frame:
- Proposal shall include a feasible work plan to ensure successful completion of deliverables.
- The work plan details how activities will be coordinated.
- Detailed budget and cost-effectiveness of proposed approach:
- Evidence of cost-effective approaches to undertaking the scope of work within the proposed budget.
- Proposal shall identify possible challenges and include creative approaches to addressing them.
- Management and personnel plan:
- The team members working on this project shall have the relevant qualifications and overall experience required to successfully implement the project.
- Roles and responsibilities of each team member shall be clearly defined. GAIN shall have one main contact person clearly identified in the proposal.
- A duly completed offer of services.
For more information, visit GAIN.
- GAIN Request for Proposals: Stakeholders Analysis in Kenya
Deadline: 13-Feb-23
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to engage services of a Service Provider to identify relevant organizations and actors in Kenya that can contribute, as members, to the mission of DGA and to DGA’s effective functioning.
Scope of Work
The successful applicant shall present a stakeholder analysis that consists of 3 key steps:
- Step 1: Identify stakeholders using a specific method for sourcing these stakeholders; define scope and boundaries for the analysis, including clear issue definition, stakeholder characteristics; recruit /find these stakeholders and conduct interviews, workshops, or group discussions, as relevant.
- Step 2: Differentiate between and categorize stakeholders using well established analytical methods, as well as referencing the DGA strategic framework and operating model.
- Step 3: Investigating relationships between stakeholders by proposing an analytical method; using data gathered in step 1 and 2, define the nature of relationships among stakeholders (e.g., cooperative vs. competitive); map stakeholder strength and functional type, using the ecosystem of influence framework; identify each stakeholder’s knowledge and capability to assist in defining eligibility criteria for membership in the alliance.
- Overall purpose of this analysis is to identify relevant organizations, initiatives, alliances, and actors (here after stakeholders) in Kenya that can contribute, as members, to the mission of DGA and to DGA’s effective functioning. In 2 years, the alliance will create a smaller coalition from its members, to lead the development of strategic projects or interventions.
- Specifically, this stakeholder analysis will identify
- Which stakeholders need to be included in the initial phases of the planning and development of the local DGA alliance
- How will those stakeholders contribute to the functioning of the DGA and its mission, based on strengths and functional types
- Which stakeholders will seek (or should be invited to seek) membership
- What the interests and capabilities of the stakeholders and how will these stakeholders contribute to a diverse, capable alliance
- Conduct inception meetings and document reviews with DGA leadership group
- Complete an inception report that answers the 4 objectives, by proposing a process for the 3 steps above, including specific methods and analyses based on literature and evidence
- Attend bi-weekly, 45-min meetings with project team
- Develop all protocols (recruitment, study design, analysis plan) and data collection tools
- Submit for IRB approval (max 6 week waiting period for approval)
- Collect data
- Completed data analysis, including workshops with GAIN staff and relevant key informants
- Submit a draft report
- Revise draft report based on feedback
- Final report
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed by the Selection Team. The following indicate a list of the significant criteria against which proposals will be assessed. This list is not exhaustive or 100% inclusive and is provided to enhance the applicants’ ability to respond with substance.
Applicants are required to submit the following information, conforming to the guidelines given in this section:
- Understanding of the scope of work:
- Proposal shall demonstrate a clear understanding of the project objective and deliverables.
- Demonstrate a clear understanding of the technical requirements of this RFP:
- Providing detailed technical documentation of the proposed strategy.
- Evidence of experience delivering solutions using the proposed information technology
- The creative and methodological approaches required to implement each of the parts of the scope of work.
- Comprehensiveness of work plan and reasonableness of proposed time frame:
- Proposal shall include a feasible work plan to ensure successful completion of deliverables.
- The work plan details how activities will be coordinated.
- Detailed budget and cost-effectiveness of proposed approach:
- Evidence of cost-effective approaches to undertaking the scope of work within the proposed budget.
- Proposal shall identify possible challenges and include creative approaches to addressing them.
- Management and personnel plan:
- The team members working on this project shall have the relevant qualifications and overall experience required to successfully implement the project.
- Roles and responsibilities of each team member shall be clearly defined. GAIN shall have one main contact person clearly identified in the proposal.
- A duly completed offer of services.
For more information, visit GAIN.
- Call for Applications: 2023 GreenBiz Programme to achieve SDGs in Kenya
Deadline: 4-Mar-23
The Kenya Climate Innovation Center, which is the implementing partner, is placing a call for applications to the GreenBiz Incubator and Accelerator programme to support climate smart businesses under the programme.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA) and Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) have partnered to implement The GreenBiz Programme for the next five years, from January 2021 to December 2025. The programme will support 300 climate technologies and related innovative business models to create over 3000 full time job opportunities. The expected outcome will be increased commercialisation and scale up of climate related companies, which create decent jobs, increased access to low carbon energy sources, increased community and household resilience to climate change as well as other environmental and social benefits.
KCIC is engaged in five sectors: water; renewable energy and energy efficiency (RE & EE); agriculture; commercial forestry and waste management. By focusing on these sectors,KCIC (and its clients) will directly and indirectly contribute to the achievement of SDG 1 (no poverty); SDG 2 (no hunger); SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation), SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), and SDG 13 (climate action). Others are SDG 15 (life on land); SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) and SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production).
Thematic Areas
The company should be within the below mentioned thematic areas:
- Water management.
- Renewable energy and energy efficiency.
- Waste Management
- Commercial forestry
Types of Programs
- GreenBiz Incubation Programme: This is a 12-month programme targeting start-ups and early-stage businesses that have at least developed a prototype. The businesses receive intensive practicaltraining and business coaching to enable them prove their concepts in the market and progress towards commercialization. Clients who successfully complete this program can apply for the KCIC GreenBiz Accelerator Programme.
- GreenBiz Accelerator Programme
- This is a 9-month programme in which clients are provided with highly individualized services aimed at:
- Setting the clients on a rapid business growth path
- Preparing clients to be investor ready as well as raising investments.
- This is a 9-month programme in which clients are provided with highly individualized services aimed at:
Funding Information
The support to KCIC (and KCV) under this engagement totals DKK 54,750,00, approximately Kes. 1 billion with a focus on climate technologies and related innovative business models. The programme will support 300 businesses to create over 3,000 full time job opportunities.
Eligibility Criteria
- The applicant should be registered under the laws of Kenya.
- Limited Liability company
- Sole Proprietorship but willing to register the business as limited company within the first 3 months once a business is selected
Location: The business must be located and legally registered in Kenya.
The following criteria and scoring system will be used for the evaluation of the eligible applications for this call.
- Scalability – does the business model that shows clear and compelling mission to grow a sustainable and commercially viable business
- Climate Impact – The extent to which the business/product/technologyhas impact on climate mitigation OR climate adaptation OR environmental benefits.
- Job Creation – The potential of the business/product/technology towards job creation.
- Progress to date – has the applicant taken key steps to move the idea forward?
- Innovation – is the business innovative in the way it addresses an identified problem in the market / has a unique business model?
- Profitability – What is the business’s ability to produce a return on an investment based on its resources in comparison with an alternative investment?
- Entrepreneur commitment – What is the entrepreneur’s commitment in terms of time and resources which informs the business’s purpose and helps it succeed?
For more information, visit Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
Also Read: Funding Opportunities for Businesses: D-prize Challenge 2021/2022
- Call for Applications: 2023 GreenBiz Programme to achieve SDGs in Kenya
Deadline: 4-Mar-23
The Kenya Climate Innovation Center, which is the implementing partner, is placing a call for applications to the GreenBiz Incubator and Accelerator programme to support climate smart businesses under the programme.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA) and Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) have partnered to implement The GreenBiz Programme for the next five years, from January 2021 to December 2025. The programme will support 300 climate technologies and related innovative business models to create over 3000 full time job opportunities. The expected outcome will be increased commercialisation and scale up of climate related companies, which create decent jobs, increased access to low carbon energy sources, increased community and household resilience to climate change as well as other environmental and social benefits.
KCIC is engaged in five sectors: water; renewable energy and energy efficiency (RE & EE); agriculture; commercial forestry and waste management. By focusing on these sectors,KCIC (and its clients) will directly and indirectly contribute to the achievement of SDG 1 (no poverty); SDG 2 (no hunger); SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation), SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), and SDG 13 (climate action). Others are SDG 15 (life on land); SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) and SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production).
Thematic Areas
The company should be within the below mentioned thematic areas:
- Water management.
- Renewable energy and energy efficiency.
- Waste Management
- Commercial forestry
Types of Programs
- GreenBiz Incubation Programme: This is a 12-month programme targeting start-ups and early-stage businesses that have at least developed a prototype. The businesses receive intensive practical trainingand business coaching to enable them prove their concepts in the market and progress towards commercialization. Clients who successfully complete this program can apply for the KCIC GreenBiz Accelerator Programme.
- GreenBiz Accelerator Programme
- This is a 9-month programme in which clients are provided with highly individualized services aimed at:
- Setting the clients on a rapid business growth path
- Preparing clients to be investor ready as well as raising investments.
- This is a 9-month programme in which clients are provided with highly individualized services aimed at:
Funding Information
The support to KCIC (and KCV) under this engagement totals DKK 54,750,00, approximately Kes. 1 billion with a focus on climate technologies and related innovative business models. The programme will support 300 businesses to create over 3,000 full time job opportunities.
Eligibility Criteria
- The applicant should be registered under the laws of Kenya.
- Limited Liability company
- Sole Proprietorship but willing to register the business as limited company within the first 3 months once a business is selected
Location: The business must be located and legally registered in Kenya.
The following criteria and scoring system will be used for the evaluation of the eligible applications for this call.
- Scalability – does the business model that shows clear and compelling mission to grow a sustainable and commercially viable business
- Climate Impact – The extent to which the business/product/technologyhas impact on climate mitigation OR climate adaptation OR environmental benefits.
- Job Creation – The potential of the business/product/technology towards job creation.
- Progress to date – has the applicant taken key steps to move the idea forward?
- Innovation – is the business innovative in the way it addresses an identified problem in the market / has a unique business model?
- Profitability – What is the business’s ability to produce a return on an investment based on its resources in comparison with an alternative investment?
- Entrepreneur commitment – What is the entrepreneur’s commitment in terms of time and resources which informs the business’s purpose and helps it succeed?
For more information, visit Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
- USAID-Mozambique: Grants for Promoting Democracy and Human Rights Activity
Deadline: 27-Feb-23
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications for a Cooperative Agreement from qualified entities to implement the Promoting Democracy and Human Rights (DIREITOS) activity.
The goal of this program is to increase political participation and access to justice for disadvantaged populations, and to enable them to hold the government accountable to improve the electoral process and justice services.
- USAID/South Africa: Accelerate TB Elimination and Program Resilience Activity 2
Deadline: 19-Feb-23
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications for a Cooperative Agreement from qualified entities to implement the Accelerate Tuberculosis Elimination and Program Resilience Activity (ACCELERATE), the flagship tuberculosis (TB) project which comprises two separate activities.
The purpose of ACCELERATE – Accelerate TB Elimination and Program Resilience Activity is to support South Africa’s efforts to achieve TB elimination through early detection, appropriate treatment and care, and prevention among vulnerable populations, particularly those infected with TB, drug resistant TB (DR-TB), or TB/HIV co-infection.
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- Mozilla’s Responsible Computer Science Challenge in Kenya
Deadline: 17-Mar-23
Mozilla and USAID are excited to announce that Responsible Computer Science Challenge (RCSC) applications are officially open in Kenya.
Mozilla and USAID are awarding 10 grants from a pool of $250 000 USD to innovation hubs and accredited institutions of higher education in Kenya that embed ethics into computer science programs and curricula.
- USAID/Maliseeking Proposals for Doniya Taabolo Activity
Deadline: 27-Apr-23
The United States Agency for International Development in Mali (USAID/Mali) is seeking applications for a Cooperative Agreement from qualified entities to implement the USAID Doniya Taabolo Activity.
Applicants must be non-governmental U.S. and non-U.S. entities, otherwise there is no restriction. Entities such as non-profit organizations, profit making concerns, Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs), Public International Organizations (PIOs), faith-based and community organizations, educational institutions, etc. are eligible to apply.