Funding Opportunity for African Businsses

funding opportunity


  1. Global call for Research Concept Notes: Climate-Smart Livestock Systems (Africa)


Deadline: 25-Jan-24

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) are investing an initial CAD13.5 million to lead, through IDRC, a fund for climate-smart livestock systems (CSLS) in Africa.

The focus of the fund will be to develop new climate-smart livestock technologies and business models to improve animal productivity, promote climate adaptation and lower emission intensity for smallholder livestock farmers in climatic hotspots in Africa.

The CSLS programming will have two streams of research:

  • climate-smart innovations in livestock systems
  • delivery models to commercialize and scale mature climate-smart innovations

Thematic Focus Areas

  • Concept notes will need to be based on addressing one or two of these four themes. Each of the four themes presents examples of subthemes that applicants may address in their project.
    • Water, pastures and feed management
      • Enhancing water resource reliability and drought resilience: This priority focuses on increasing the reliability of water resources for livestock and improving resilience to drought conditions. This may involve implementing water management strategies such as water storage, efficient irrigation and water conservation practices.
      • Efficient utilization of bio-resources: The aim is to optimize the use of available bio-resources, particularly water resources, to ensure sustainable livestock production. This involves employing practices that minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency.
      • Climate-smart forage production: The initiative involves the development and widespread adoption of climate-smart livestock technologies and innovations. These technologies should enable the production of high-quality forage that is adapted to local agroecological conditions, ensuring the availability of nutritious feed for livestock, even in changing climate scenarios.
      • Pasture corridors: Implementation and improvement of pasture corridors are essential. This includes enhancing the connectivity of grazing areas, improving livestock movement patterns and using transhumance practices to optimize pasture utilization.
      • Involvement of women and youth: A key target is to engage at least 30 percent of women and young people in forage production activities. This promotes gender and generational diversity in the livestock sector while fostering inclusivity and empowerment.
      • Effective rangeland management: Implementing sound rangeland management practices is crucial for maintaining healthy grazing areas. These practices help prevent overgrazing, land degradation and desertification, ensuring the long-term sustainability of livestock farming.
      • Post-harvest management and processing: This initiative emphasizes effective post-harvest management and processing of fodder and animal products. It includes strategies to conserve and store fodder and animal-derived products, reduce waste and ensure a stable food supply in the face of climate challenges.
    • Indigenous knowledge systems, climate data and management
      • Documenting climate-smart practices: This initiative involves documenting existing climate-smart innovations and practices that have been tested across different contexts. This knowledge will serve as a valuable resource for adapting livestock management to changing climate conditions.
      • Validation and dissemination of traditional approaches: The collection, validation and dissemination of traditional knowledge and approaches aim to enhance livestock resilience and productivity. This includes recognizing and promoting Indigenous practices that have proven effective in livestock management.
      • Greenhouse gas emissions data: Gathering and sharing data on GHG emissions from various livestock systems is a key aspect of the work. Research focuses on understanding the links between feeding practices, genetics and emissions, as well as assessing the impact of different management practices on emissions.
      • Translation of local knowledge: The translation of local and Indigenous knowledge into practical innovations and indicators is essential for transforming livestock production systems and value chains. This process ensures that traditional wisdom is integrated into modern practices. It includes any Indigenous early warning systems that were used for events like droughts, floods and rainfall patterns.
      • Decision-support tools:  Development of decision-support tools such as databases, applications, maps, policy briefs, technical briefs and extension sheets. These tools assist stakeholders in making informed decisions related to climate-smart livestock management.
      • Dissemination of information: The initiative includes the dissemination of climate-smart information, livestock and fodder insurance schemes and other information relevant to women, youth and male farmers. The focus is on using existing knowledge while building upon it to enhance skills, technologies and access to information.
    • Integration of renewable energy: circular economies
      • Integration with farming systems: The initiative focuses on integrating livestock systems with other ecosystems, including agroforestry and silvo-pastoral systems (regenerative agriculture). Regenerative agriculture benefits include improvement of pasture quality, lessening erosion and increasing water retention. This approach promotes sustainable land use by combining livestock grazing with tree cultivation, enhancing ecosystem services and biodiversity.
      • Integration with crop farming: Collaboration with crop farming involves using crop residue as fodder for livestock (circular feed production) and utilizing livestock manure as fertilizer for crop production (circular livestock farming). This circular approach reduces waste, enhances nutrient cycling and improves overall farm productivity.
      • Bioenergy and emissions reduction: Implementation of bioenergy solutions and innovative fertilizers plays a crucial role in reducing GHG emissions from livestock systems. By utilizing on-farm renewable energy sources (for example, manure can be used to generate biogas through anaerobic digestion) and optimizing nutrient management, emissions are minimized, contributing to climate-smart practices.
      • Carbon sequestration technologies: The program actively promotes the application of established carbon sequestration technologies on the ground. These technologies help capture and store carbon in soils and vegetation, contributing to climate change mitigation efforts while enhancing soil health and resilience.
    • Animal health
      • Productivity: Livestock health issues like GI parasites in ruminants have an impact on rumination patterns and GHG emissions. Reducing livestock diseases, especially among smallholders and pastoralists, will both reduce emissions and improve livestock productivity. Research should also consider cost-effective ruminant disease control, especially community-based animal health delivery systems.
      • Technologies for disease monitoring: Precision livestock farming involves the use of advanced technologies such as sensors, data analytics and automation to monitor and manage livestock production. These technologies enable real-time monitoring of animal health, behavior and productivity, allowing farmers to make informed decisions regarding feed management, disease prevention and reproduction.
      • Vaccines: It is critical to make vaccines available and accessible, and to conduct research on increasing the uptake of livestock vaccines in Africa. Address gender-specific challenges in accessing animal health services by offering low-cost and rapid delivery of animal vaccines, while also challenging gender norms.

Funding Information

  • They intend to provide grant funding for up to six research projects of up to a maximum of CAD 1,500,000 each for 36 months.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Only concept notes that meet the following eligibility criteria will be considered.
    • The lead applicant organization should be an African institution (public or private). It will be the administering institution.
    • The project shows a gender-balanced consortia without compromising the expertise needed to accomplish the objectives of each concept note.
    • The consortia preferably comprise researchers, farmer organizations, extension services, financial services and women’s groups.
    • Applicants from academia, and private and public sector organisations with strong research focus are eligible for this global call.
    • Applicants from United Nations (UN) systems are not eligible to apply to this call as lead or co-applicant organizations. UN organizations may participate as third-party organizations.
    • Applicants from the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Centres are not eligible as lead organization but are eligible as co-applicants or third-party organizations.
    • At most, one person can apply as the principal investigator, only for one project.
    • Multi-country applications are encouraged.


  • Concept notes that will not be considered are those that:
    • do not clearly articulate gender considerations
    • comprise consortia (research teams from diverse funded institutions involved in each project) without an LMIC partner
    • focus on policy development
    • are harmful to the environment
    • focus on wildlife conservation
    • focus on infrastructural development or support (e.g. drilling boreholes)
    • are based on grants or subsidies to farmers
    • do not include a private sector partner

For more information, visit International Development Research Centre.


  1. Epidemic Science Leadership and Innovation Networks Initiative (Africa)

   Deadline: Deadline: 31-Jan-24

The Science for Africa Foundation invites applications for innovative research initiatives in epidemic and pandemic research, preparedness and response.

They emphasise that they are looking for visionary consortia which will develop their own programmes of relevant research work. The proposed activities can be along the continuum of basic-translational-clinical applied-implementation-operational research and policy engagement.

Key Areas

  • Vaccinology/early-stage vaccine research for epidemic- and pandemic-prone infections
    • Increasing African independent capability in vaccine research and development is a critical priority given the limited development of vaccines for neglected diseases and populations, and the failure of equity in global access to vaccines. This research theme in academic vaccinology could complement other emerging initiatives in vaccine development and production within Africa by undertaking early-stage R&D on vaccine candidates for African population needs and building the academic workforce.
  • Virology – genotype to phenotype
    • Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many initiatives to increase and scale genomic pathogen surveillance and identify new ‘variants’ as they emerge, it remains challenging to understand how a particular genetic code translates into the behaviour (the phenotype) of a virus. In many countries, research capabilities to ‘phenotype’ viruses are limited. A programme of research in this area could seek to provide new insights into genetic determinants of viral behaviour and catalyse development of viral phenotyping capabilities on the African continent.
  • Clinical research and clinical trials on epidemic and pandemic prone infections
    • High-quality clinical trials are the cornerstone of evidence-based medicine. However, most trials are led by and conducted in high-income countries. Many clinical trials are poorly designed and fail to generate actionable evidence. Innovations during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that streamlined ‘point-of-care’ trials can produce reliable results that change practice at lower costs. This research theme could seek to answer an important question about clinical care for an infectious disease whilst simultaneously strengthening the ecosystem for the design and conduct of high-quality, streamlined, and regulatorily compliant Africa-led clinical trials.
  • Epidemic and pandemic public health policy research
    • Vaccines only became available around one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, and in some areas were never accessible at scale. In future epidemics and pandemics, vaccines may be more difficult (or even impossible) to develop. Although certain public health measures – such as test, trace and isolate, social distancing, and lockdowns – were instrumental during the pandemic, their implementation was informed by a weak evidence base. These interventions may have had a profound and long-lasting negative social and economic impact across Africa. This research theme could, for example, assess the effectiveness, acceptability and affordability of public health measures for epidemic or pandemic control on the African continent, evaluate policy making processes, or explore more ‘intelligent’ application of layered public health interventions that strengthen systems for readiness, recovery and resilience.
  • Climate change, biodiversity and pandemic prevention
    • Seventy five percent of all emerging infectious diseases that affect humans originate from animals. It is widely accepted – and evidence shows – that the rate of infectious disease emergence is increasing because of the intersection of significant changes in multiple drivers such as human population density and connectivity, ecological disruption, habitat encroachment, and climate change. This thematic area may draw upon ‘One Health’ and/or climate science approaches to provide new insights into an existing or emergent zoonotic threat to human health and its mitigation, whilst simultaneously strengthening relevant African research capabilities.
  • Advanced data assembly and analytics for threat assessment and mitigation
    • Understanding and reducing uncertainty, a defining characteristic of the early stages of all epidemics and pandemics, is key to guiding critical policy decisions. There are numerous data and information domains where data capture, processing and analytics, data integration, and data presentation can be improved. Evolving tools such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and advanced statistical and mathematical modelling offer opportunities to significantly improve signal detection, situational awareness, and epidemic dynamic analysis to provide improved intelligence for decision-making. This research theme could seek to develop, evaluate, and apply cutting-edge data methods and tools to increase the quality and speed of epidemic threat assessments and the provision of evidence for mitigation, whilst increasing African capabilities in this rapidly evolving field.
  • Social and behavioural sciences
    • Epidemics and pandemics start and finish in communities. The COVID-19 pandemic was, and continues to be, a ‘case study’ in the vital importance of understanding and addressing different perspectives and of involving communities in co-developing solutions. Social and behavioural sciences have, however, been a relatively neglected area of research to date. This research theme could, for example, advance understanding of the social and behavioural dynamics affecting, and affected by, epidemics and pandemics, aiming to define best practices and collective actions for engaging with and involving the public and communities in preparedness and response.

About EPSILON initiatives

  • The primary location of proposed EPSILON initiatives must be in Africa, and preliminary applications are invited from universities and research institutions based across the continent. Institutions outside Africa are invited to collaborate on applications led by an African institution. Applications are particularly encouraged from consortia whose component institutions:
    • Strongly support and commit to safeguarding.
    • Foster diverse workplaces and environments.
    • Balance scientific excellence with equity (disciplines, sectors, regions, institutional capacity) when selecting partner and collaborating institutions and in their recruitment of staff and students.
    • Demonstrate policies to achieve value for money, manage risk, and build strong research cultures and environments.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Lead applicants can lead only one application but may be co-applicants in several applications. Lead applicants must be based at an eligible organisation and must fulfill the following conditions:
    • Hold an academic or research post;
    • Have a salary, or
    • the guarantee of a salary, for the duration of the award period, or
    • be required by their contract of employment to have a salary;

For more information, visit Science for Africa Foundation.

Also Read: Funding Opportunities for African Businesses

  1. New Investigator Research Grant Program 2024

  Deadline: 16-Feb-24

The Leukemia Research Foundation provides grants for new investigator research projects that will have an impact on leukemia.

Funding Information

  • The maximum funding request is $150k over a two year period.
  • The Leukemia Research Foundation does not provide funds for capital equipment (i.e., equipment purchases above $7,500). Any request for an exception to this policy must detail the specific need of the capital equipment for the proposed research project.
  • Salary support for the principal investigator is not provided.
  • Using funds for research travel is permitted but should not exceed $3K. The funds are intended only to enhance the study.
  • All other support for the project must be detailed, including all sources for the requested and related projects. Any funding overlap must be clearly indicated.
  • Indirect cost recovery or institutional overhead costs are not provided.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be independent investigators affiliated with a non-profit academic institution at the time funding commences and for the duration of the award.
  • New investigators are considered to be within seven years of their first independent faculty-level position when the grant would be awarded. Years as a resident physician, fellow physician, or post-doctoral fellow are considered to be training years and are not included in the seven-year guideline.
  • A researcher must be in an independent faculty-level position at the time the application is submitted. An independent position is a scientist who has dedicated laboratory space, directly hires and supervises laboratory personnel, and makes all decisions concerning research activities and use of the grant funds.
  • Adjustments for career interruptions can be made. These could include but are not limited to family leave, military service, major illness, or injury. It is the responsibility of the applicant to point out and document such interruptions.
  • Applicants are not required to be US citizens. Research projects from outside the US are eligible.
  • Applicants with a KO8, R00, or R99 grant are eligible. The total grant amount will not be applied toward the $175K per year threshold on total direct costs.
  • DOE, DOD, NSF, R21, or other grants with less than $175K per year in total direct costs are permitted.
  • Only one LOI may be submitted from the same applicant (Principal Investigator).


  • Applicants with any active single grant (or multiple grants added together) that total $175K or greater in total direct costs per year are not eligible (as noted above, KO8, R00, R99 grant awards are excluded from this total threshold).
  • Fellows are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants with NIH RO1 funding, VA Merit Award, or equivalent.
  • Renewal applications will not be accepted and investigators who have received a Leukemia Research Foundation new investigator award in the past are not eligible to apply.
  • Co-PI’s are not permitted.

For more information, visit Leukemia Research Foundation.


  1. German Embassy in Ghana announces Small Scale Projects Programme

  Deadline: 15-Jan-24

The German Embassy in Ghana is seeking applications for the small scale projects within the framework of technical cooperation.

The programme of small scale projects programme of the German Embassy provides funds to local beneficiaries under the aspect of social, humanitarian and charitable assistance. Its focus is on underprivileged groups in the Society.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Suitable projects can come from any sectors of poverty reduction, public health & sanitation improvement, income generation, basic education, vocational trainingwomen empowerment, protection of the environment or else.
  • The project has to be completed within six months and before the end of the year.
  • Property rights (in case of rented buildings) have to be established.
  • The implementing organization must provide own financial means to contribute to the project and has to be in a position to finance all upcoming follow-up/ running costs for a period of at least 2 years.
  • Under German law it is not possible to finance a project which is co-sponsored by any other organization that already receives contributions from the German Federal Budget (e.g. European Union, United Nations etc.). Therefore, the project is an independent project, funded from its initial stage to final completion, which excludes any recurring commitment of the German Embassy.


  • Applications received by E-Mail cannot be considered.
  • Eligible projects will usually be selected for promotion towards the end of the first quarter of the year, with regard to the focal areas of development cooperation like sustainability, feasibility and maximum benefit for dis-advantaged groups of society.
  • During the selection process project officers of the German Embassy will contact the implementing organization for a field visit. Please note that such field visits do not automatically result in sanctioning of the project proposal.
  • After a decision in favour of a project, an allocation agreement will have to be concluded and signed between the German Embassy and the implementing organization/NGO.
  • Disbursement of funds will not take place before major project contents have been realized. Furthermore, funds can only be released upon presentation of original invoices. Usually, the disbursement of funds follows partial payments and according to previously agreed milestones of implementation.
  • All operational costs have to be documented by conclusive receipts.
  • The implementation of the project should be completed within a period of six months or, at the latest, before the end of October of the current year.
  • It is compulsory that directly after the finalization of the project, the implementing organization is required to submit a final report of the project that includes a breakdown of expenses, in particular the use of funding with original invoices. Furthermore, photos and a description of the impact on the beneficiaries are required.

For more information, visit German Embassy in Ghana.


  1. CFPs: Implementation Plan for the Deployment of CNG/Electric Powered Buses in Nigeria

Also Read: Funding Opportunities for African Businesses

Deadline: 7-Jan-24

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) is seeking proposals to develop a national policy on soot-free buses and a national strategy and implementation plan for the deployment of compressed natural gas (CNG)/electric powered buses.

This project will also support Nigeria’s shift to low-sulfur fuels and the implementation of EURO IV vehicle standard adopted by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in 2020.

Reducing short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) emissions from transportation is a priority for Nigeria. The country is currently planning its CNG/electric programme and has the opportunity to adopt a strategy for deploying CNG/electric buses given the removal of the state fuel subsidy by the President in May 2023. CNG is recognized as an important transition fuel that will also provide substantial public health and climate change benefits.

This project will support implementation of the mitigation measures endorsed in Nigeria’s National Action Plan to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants. The plan aims to reduce 75 per cent of PM2.5 emissions by 2030. The 22 priority mitigation measures identified include the regulation and enforcement of vehicle emission standards and targeted adoption of CNG buses. The plan also endorses recommendations for the conversion of 25 per cent of all buses to CNG by 2030.

The strategy and implementation plan this project will develop should build on lessons learned from the city of Lagos where two electric buses have been piloted.

This work should also support harmonization with ECOWAS vehicle standards to regulate cleaner fuels and vehicles, ongoing CCAC projects on soot-free bus technologies in the region, and proposed solutions that align with targets in Nigeria’s National SLCP Action Plan and NDC.

Funding Information

  • Estimated project cost: US$ 240,000 – US$ 300,000.

Expected Results

  • Applicants are encouraged to propose additional outputs as needed to ensure the expected project outcomes are achieved. Applicants can determine the scope of outputs if not specified. The project is expected to deliver at a minimum:
    • The Government of Nigeria endorses a national policy on soot-free bus technologies and EURO IV vehicle emissions standards by the end of the project or soon after.
      • Indicator: Number of laws, regulations, or other policy mechanisms with SLCP targets or mitigation measures formally adopted, endorsed, and/or implemented.
      • Output 1.1: Impact assessment on transition to soot free bus technologies and standards, including CNG and electric buses.
      • Output 1.2: Policy assessment including options for bus standards, infrastructural challenges, existing institutional frameworks, potential fiscal incentives, and financing models to encourage wide adoption of soot-free buses including CNG and electric buses.
      • Output 1.3: Draft policy on soot free buses with measures that can be included in national and local development plans as well as in city planning and reporting.
    • The Federal Government integrates priority SLCP mitigation measures, targets, and/or co-benefits assessments related to the transport sector in the revised NDC and implementation plan by 2025.
      • Indicator: Number of NDCs targeting SLCPs.
      • Output 2.1: Recommendations for the inclusion of SLCP reduction priorities, targets, and co-benefits in Nigeria’s 2025 NDC.
    • The Federal Government of Nigeria endorses/adopts regulations aligned with the ECOWAS directive for EURO IV vehicle standards by the end of the project or soon after.
      • Indicator: Number of laws, regulations, or other policy mechanisms with SLCP targets or mitigation measures formally adopted, endorsed, and/or implemented.
      • Output 3.1: Recommended regulatory options for the introduction of cleaner fuels and vehicles adopted by the ECOWAS Commission
    • The Federal Government endorses a national strategy and implementation plan for deploying CNG/electric buses by the end of the project or soon after.
      • Indicator: Number of action plans, roadmaps, strategies, or other future plans with SLCP targets or mitigation measures formally adopted, endorsed and/or implemented.
      • Output 4.1: Strategy for introduction of CNG and electric buses nation-wide including:
        • Data collection and analysis from the e-bus pilots in Lagos, and from other cities to be defined in consultation with the government to inform policy design and implementation
        • Recommendations for nation-wide expansion including financing options
        • Analysis of available bus standards, the adequacy of infrastructure, energy production and sourcing, technology availability and transfer, flexible financing options, operational and regulatory considerations, institutional frameworks, fiscal incentives and financing model, existing policies, strategies, and programmes that would support a nation-wide CNG/electric programme
      • Output 4.1: An implementation plan for implementing the strategy
      • Output 4.2: National level dissemination and endorsement of the strategy and implementation plan

Eligibility Criteria

  • To be eligible for consideration, project proposals must meet the following requirements:
    • Complete and submitted before the deadline
    • Submitted by a non-governmental organization (NGO), intergovernmental organization (IGO), or other not-for-profit entity. Governments are not eligible to apply directly for funding in this call.
    • Requested funding is within the estimated budget amount, or includes a clear justification for additional expenses
    • Project duration is less than 24 months
    • Budget criteria are met and spending caps on expenses are respected.
  • For-profit entities may only participate in the project as stakeholders, co-funders, or end users. Applicants are encouraged to include for-profit entities in the development of the project proposal and/or during project implementation if their ownership of the proposed solution is key to the project’s success.

For more information, visit Climate and Clean Air Coalition.


  1. Request for Applications: Expansion of Community HIV Response in Nigeria


Deadline: 19-Feb-24

Centers for Disease Control – CDC is inviting applications to support civil society organization (CSO) group(s) to work with the Government of Nigeria (GoN) to expand the delivery of a comprehensive package of HIV services to sub population groups through community-led approaches in select CDC-supported sub-national units.

The NOFO targets closing service coverage gaps in adolescents and young persons (AYP) and key populations (KP) sub-groups including sex workers (SW), men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWID), and transgender people (TG). This will contribute to Nigeria’s attainment of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 95-95-95 targets, which require having 95% of people living with HIV (PLHIV) tested and diagnosed, 95% of those diagnosed placed on anti-retroviral therapy (ART), and 95% of those on ART virally suppressed. Recipient(s) will be expected to operate within community structures or develop innovative mechanisms to deliver integrated community-led HIV interventions for AYP and KP. This NOFO seeks to achieve impactful and sustainable outcomes that require implementation of innovative and efficient models of community-led prevention and treatment methods, including program monitoring and routine use of data for continuous quality improvement. The NOFO will support a shared programmatic approach that collaborates with, and builds the capacities of other community stakeholders, promotes local ownership, and contributes to Nigeria’s overall HIV epidemic control efforts.

Goals and Priorities

  • Reducing the prevention and treatment gaps for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), children, and key populations (KPs);
  • Strengthening national and local programmatic, financial, and community leadership;
  • Designing new partnerships with key private, public, and multi sector entities that can complement existing programs and expand reach;
  • Utilizing the PEPFAR platform for broader disease surveillance and public health programming, consistent with the PEPFAR legislative and funding authority;
  • Investing in the scale-up of cutting edge behavioral and implementation science to bend the curve on new infections;
  • Improving the care and treatment of HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and related opportunistic infections by improving STI management; enhancing laboratory diagnostic capacity and the care and treatment of opportunistic infections; interventions for intercurrent diseases impacting HIV infected patients including tuberculosis (TB); and initiating programs to provide anti-retroviral therapy (ART);
  • Strengthening the capacity of countries to collect, use, and share surveillance data and manage national HIV/AIDS programs by expanding HIV/STI/TB surveillance programs and strengthening laboratory support for surveillance, diagnosis, treatment, disease monitoring, and HIV screening for blood safety; and
  • Developing, validating, and/or evaluating public health programs to inform, improve, and target appropriate interventions, as related to the prevention, care and treatment of HIV/AIDS, TB, and opportunistic infections.

Funding Information

  • The Approximate Total Fiscal Year Funding/Average One Year Award Amount/Approximate Average Award amount for this NOFO is $10,000,000. CDC will consider any application requesting an award higher than this amount as non-responsive and it will receive no further review.

Strategies and Activities

  • Strategy 1: Use multi-faceted innovative approaches to strengthen and facilitate the uptake of community HIV-prevention services among AYP and KP in selected sub-national units.
  • Strategy 2: Implement partnership-building strategies among stakeholders to address treatment gaps among AYP and KP, and to improve and sustain continuity of HIV care and treatment services at the community level.
  • Strategy 3: Implement innovative project management and ethical data use approaches among stakeholders to monitor, evaluate, and improve the delivery of community-level HIV services for AYP and KP.
  • Strategy 4: Strengthen CBOs’ capacities to develop, implement, and support sustainable community service delivery systems, and to collaboratively coordinate, monitor, and champion the AYP and KP HIV-response at national and sub-national levels.

Relevant Work

  • The recipient(s) are expected to demonstrate experience working in the following program areas:
    • HIV prevention for at-risk populations
    • Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
    • HIV testing services (HTS)
    • KP service
    • Adolescent care and treatment services
    • Laboratory services delivery
    • Strategic information and monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
    • Health systems strengthening

Eligibility Criteria

  • Government Organizations:
    • State governments or their bona fide agents (includes the District of Columbia)
    • Local governments or their bona fide agents
    • Territorial governments or their bona fide agents in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianna Islands, American SamoaGuam, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau
    • State controlled institutions of higher education
    • American Indian or Alaska Native tribal governments (federally recognized or state-recognized)
  • Non-government Organizations
    • American Indian or Alaska native tribally designated organizations
  • Other
    • Ministries of Health
  • Additional Information on Eligibility
    • This is a fully competitive NOFO and eligibility is unrestricted, meaning any and all types of organizations and entities are eligible to apply.
    • In addition, as may be required by host country laws, applicant is expected to comply with and document that it has satisfied all regulatory requirements of their governing entities that could otherwise compromise the integrity and resources provided by this program or make the conduct of expected activities under this award unable to be performed. Applicants must also meet the criteria established in CDC’s pre-award risk assessment to be eligible to receive funds under this NOFO.

For more information, visit

Also Read: Funding Opportunities For African Businesses

  1. U.S. Mission to Nigeria: Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation

 Deadline: 10-Jan-24

The U.S Mission to Nigeria is accepting proposals from eligible organizations seeking project funding through the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP).

AFCP Program Objectives

  • AFCP supports the preservation of major ancient archaeological sites, historic buildings and monuments, and major museum collections that have an historical or cultural significance to the cultural heritage of Nigeria.

Funding Priorities

  • The most successful AFCP projects have been designed as part of a greater PD programming arc promoting specific U.S. policy goals and host-country or community goals. Accordingly, in Fiscal Year 2024, ECA will prioritize projects that do one or more of the following:
    • Directly support U.S. treaty or bilateral agreement obligations.
    • Directly support U.S. policies, strategies, and objectives as stated in the National Security Strategy, Integrated Country Strategy, or other U.S. government planning documents.
    • Support risk reduction and resilience for cultural heritage in disaster-prone or politically and economically unstable areas, or post-disaster cultural heritage recovery.
    • Complement other ECA or public diplomacy programs.
    • Are conducted in an eligible country that has not previously received an AFCP award.

Funding Information

  • Awards Amounts: Awards may range from a minimum of $10,000 to maximum of $500,000
  • Anticipated program start date: Depending on availability of funds
  • Length of performance period: up to sixty (60) months

Project Activities

  • Appropriate project activities may include:
    • Anastylosis (reassembling a site from its original parts);
    • Conservation (addressing damage or deterioration to an object or site);
    • Consolidation (connecting or reconnecting elements of an object or site);
    • Documentation (recording in analog or digital format the condition and salient features of an object, site, or tradition);
    • Inventory (listing of objects, sites, or traditions by location, feature, age, or other unifying characteristic or state);
    • Preventive Conservation (addressing conditions that threaten or damage a site, object, collection, or tradition);
    • Restoration (replacing missing elements to recreate the original appearance of an object or site, usually appropriate only with fine arts, decorative arts, and historic buildings);
    • Stabilization (reducing the physical disturbance of an object or site).

Eligibility Criteria

  • The U.S Mission to Nigeria defines eligible project applicants as reputable and accountable non-commercial entities that are able to demonstrate they have the requisite capacity to manage projects to preserve cultural heritage. These may include non-governmental organizations, museums, educational institutions, ministries of culture, or similar institutions and organizations, including U.S.-based educational institutions and organizations subject to Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code.
  • The AFCP will not award grants to individuals, commercial entities, or past award recipients that have not fulfilled the objectives or reporting requirements of previous awards.

For more information, visit


  1. Call for Proposals: EKOenergy’s Climate Fund

  Deadline: 9-Feb-24

EKOenergy is accepting proposals for its Climate Fund to support short-term solar PV and wind electricity projects in low- and middle-income countries.

All funded projects shall be coordinated by experienced non-profit NGOs and implemented in cooperation with local communities, enterprises and other relevant stakeholders.

Funding Information

  • First-time applicants may receive grants ranging from €15,000 to €40,000 per project. For organisations that received grants from EKOenergy’s Climate Fund in 2022 or 2023, the grant amount can be up to €60,000.

Eligibility Criteria

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  • They strongly encourage proposals for projects located in MalaysiaSouth Africa, and India, as there is growing interest among EKOenergy consumers to support initiatives in these regions.
  • The following selection criteria for EKOenergy’s Climate Fund projects ensure that short-term projects selected through open calls align with EKOenergy’s mission and have a positive, sustainable impact:
    • Non-Profit Status: They primarily invite applications from NGOs but also consider applications from other entities with a non-profit status, provided they are dedicated to environmental and social impact, and fulfil other criteria.
    • Organisational Capacity: The main applicant organisations should show they have the required capability and a history of successfully completing similar-scale projects. They prioritise organisations with a proven track record of success, as indicated by references.
    • Alignment with Strategic Goals: Proposed projects should align with the goals of the applicant organisation.
    • Community Engagement: The main applicant must have an established relationship and a deep understanding of the community the project aims to benefit. Prior engagement in project planning of the local community is a mandatory requirement to ensure the prioritisation of community needs.
    • Inclusive Projects in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Projects must benefit priority populations in low- or middle-income countries defined by the World Bank. Participant selection must be based on a genuine needs assessment, strictly prohibiting discrimination to ensure a fair and inclusive approach.
    • Climate Benefits: Projects must exhibit clear climate benefits.
    • Environmental Responsibility and Inclusive Site Planning: Project activities, installations, or other infrastructure should not harm the local environment and must not take place or be built on sensitive land (land with unclear tenure rights or identified as culturally sensitive or ecologically significant by community stakeholders). They do not fund projects that necessitate physical resettlement of people or assets.
    • Upholding Human Rights Principles: All funded projects must be bound by human rights principles, ensuring ethical implementation. For example, the projects are prohibited from involving work contributions from minors and must ensure adequate compensation for work.
    • Funding Allocation: Most of the funding should go to the construction of new renewable electricity installations


  • General, unrestricted co-funding of larger projects where the exact purpose of their grant is not clearly defined.
  • Research projects with a focus on research activities.
  • Events, workshops, networking, and campaigns that are not part of a project.
  • Individuals.

For more information, visit EKOenergy.

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