- U.S. Mission to Nigeria: Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation
Deadline: 10-Jan-24
The U.S Mission to Nigeria is accepting proposals from eligible organizations seeking project funding through the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP).
AFCP Program Objectives
- AFCP supports the preservation of major ancient archaeological sites, historic buildings and monuments, and major museum collections that have an historical or cultural significance to the cultural heritage of Nigeria.
Funding Priorities
- The most successful AFCP projects have been designed as part of a greater PD programming arc promoting specific U.S. policy goals and host-country or community goals. Accordingly, in Fiscal Year 2024, ECA will prioritize projects that do one or more of the following:
- Directly support U.S. treaty or bilateral agreement obligations.
- Directly support U.S. policies, strategies, and objectives as stated in the National Security Strategy, Integrated Country Strategy, or other U.S. government planning documents.
- Support risk reduction and resilience for cultural heritage in disaster-prone or politically and economically unstable areas, or post-disaster cultural heritage recovery.
- Complement other ECA or public diplomacy programs.
- Are conducted in an eligible country that has not previously received an AFCP award.
Funding Information
- Awards Amounts: Awards may range from a minimum of $10,000 to maximum of $500,000
- Anticipated program start date: Depending on availability of funds
- Length of performance period: up to sixty (60) months
Project Activities
- Appropriate project activities may include:
- Anastylosis (reassembling a site from its original parts);
- Conservation (addressing damage or deterioration to an object or site);
- Consolidation (connecting or reconnecting elements of an object or site);
- Documentation (recording in analog or digital format the condition and salient features of an object, site, or tradition);
- Inventory (listing of objects, sites, or traditions by location, feature, age, or other unifying characteristic or state);
- Preventive Conservation (addressing conditions that threaten or damage a site, object, collection, or tradition);
- Restoration (replacing missing elements to recreate the original appearance of an object or site, usually appropriate only with fine arts, decorative arts, and historic buildings);
- Stabilization (reducing the physical disturbance of an object or site).
Eligibility Criteria
- The U.S Mission to Nigeria defines eligible project applicants as reputable and accountable non-commercial entities that are able to demonstrate they have the requisite capacity to manage projects to preserve cultural heritage. These may include non-governmental organizations, museums, educational institutions, ministries of culture, or similar institutions and organizations, including U.S.-based educational institutions and organizations subject to Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code.
- The AFCP will not award grants to individuals, commercial entities, or past award recipients that have not fulfilled the objectives or reporting requirements of previous awards.
For more information, visit Grants.gov.
- Epidemic Science Leadership and Innovation Networks Initiative (Africa)
Deadline: Deadline: 31-Jan-24
The Science for Africa Foundation invites applications for innovative research initiatives in epidemic and pandemic research, preparedness and response.
They emphasise that they are looking for visionary consortia which will develop their own programmes of relevant research work. The proposed activities can be along the continuum of basic-translational-clinical applied-implementation-operational research and policy engagement.
Key Areas
- Vaccinology/early-stage vaccine research for epidemic- and pandemic-prone infections
- Increasing African independent capability in vaccine research and development is a critical priority given the limited development of vaccines for neglected diseases and populations, and the failure of equity in global access to vaccines. This research theme in academic vaccinology could complement other emerging initiatives in vaccine development and production within Africa by undertaking early-stage R&D on vaccine candidates for African population needs and building the academic workforce.
- Virology – genotype to phenotype
- Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many initiatives to increase and scale genomic pathogen surveillance and identify new ‘variants’ as they emerge, it remains challenging to understand how a particular genetic code translates into the behaviour (the phenotype) of a virus. In many countries, research capabilities to ‘phenotype’ viruses are limited. A programme of research in this area could seek to provide new insights into genetic determinants of viral behaviour and catalyse development of viral phenotyping capabilities on the African continent.
- Clinical research and clinical trials on epidemic and pandemic prone infections
- High-quality clinical trials are the cornerstone of evidence-based medicine. However, most trials are led by and conducted in high-income countries. Many clinical trials are poorly designed and fail to generate actionable evidence. Innovations during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that streamlined ‘point-of-care’ trials can produce reliable results that change practice at lower costs. This research theme could seek to answer an important question about clinical care for an infectious disease whilst simultaneously strengthening the ecosystem for the design and conduct of high-quality, streamlined, and regulatorily compliant Africa-led clinical trials.
- Epidemic and pandemic public health policy research
- Vaccines only became available around one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, and in some areas were never accessible at scale. In future epidemics and pandemics, vaccines may be more difficult (or even impossible) to develop. Although certain public health measures – such as test, trace and isolate, social distancing, and lockdowns – were instrumental during the pandemic, their implementation was informed by a weak evidence base. These interventions may have had a profound and long-lasting negative social and economic impact across Africa. This research theme could, for example, assess the effectiveness, acceptability and affordability of public health measures for epidemic or pandemic control on the African continent, evaluate policy making processes, or explore more ‘intelligent’ application of layered public health interventions that strengthen systems for readiness, recovery and resilience.
- Climate change, biodiversity and pandemic prevention
- Seventy five percent of all emerging infectious diseases that affect humans originate from animals. It is widely accepted – and evidence shows – that the rate of infectious disease emergence is increasing because of the intersection of significant changes in multiple drivers such as human population density and connectivity, ecological disruption, habitat encroachment, and climate change. This thematic area may draw upon ‘One Health’ and/or climate science approaches to provide new insights into an existing or emergent zoonotic threat to human health and its mitigation, whilst simultaneously strengthening relevant African research capabilities.
- Advanced data assembly and analytics for threat assessment and mitigation
- Understanding and reducing uncertainty, a defining characteristic of the early stages of all epidemics and pandemics, is key to guiding critical policy decisions. There are numerous data and information domains where data capture, processing and analytics, data integration, and data presentation can be improved. Evolving tools such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and advanced statistical and mathematical modelling offer opportunities to significantly improve signal detection, situational awareness, and epidemic dynamic analysis to provide improved intelligence for decision-making. This research theme could seek to develop, evaluate, and apply cutting-edge data methods and tools to increase the quality and speed of epidemic threat assessments and the provision of evidence for mitigation, whilst increasing African capabilities in this rapidly evolving field.
- Social and behavioural sciences
- Epidemics and pandemics start and finish in communities. The COVID-19 pandemic was, and continues to be, a ‘case study’ in the vital importance of understanding and addressing different perspectives and of involving communities in co-developing solutions. Social and behavioural sciences have, however, been a relatively neglected area of research to date. This research theme could, for example, advance understanding of the social and behavioural dynamics affecting, and affected by, epidemics and pandemics, aiming to define best practices and collective actions for engaging with and involving the public and communities in preparedness and response.
About EPSILON initiatives
- The primary location of proposed EPSILON initiatives must be in Africa, and preliminary applications are invited from universities and research institutions based across the continent. Institutions outside Africa are invited to collaborate on applications led by an African institution. Applications are particularly encouraged from consortia whose component institutions:
- Strongly support and commit to safeguarding.
- Foster diverse workplaces and environments.
- Balance scientific excellence with equity (disciplines, sectors, regions, institutional capacity) when selecting partner and collaborating institutions and in their recruitment of staff and students.
- Demonstrate policies to achieve value for money, manage risk, and build strong research cultures and environments.
Eligibility Criteria
- Lead applicants can lead only one application but may be co-applicants in several applications. Lead applicants must be based at an eligible organisation and must fulfill the following conditions:
- Hold an academic or research post;
- Have a salary, or
- the guarantee of a salary, for the duration of the award period, or
- be required by their contract of employment to have a salary;
For more information, visit Science for Africa Foundation.
Also Read: Funding Opportunities For African Businesses
- Applications open for Julia Taft Refugee Fund – Nigeria
Deadline: 15 dec 2023
The U.S. Mission to Nigeria in collaboration with the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the U.S. Department of State has announced an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program thorough the Julia Taft Refugee Fund that will support one-time, low-cost interventions that address important gaps in protection and assistance for refugees and stateless persons.
Program Objectives
- The program is intended to meet gaps in assistance through quick impact projects to meet critical needs not addressed by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), International Organization for Migration (IOM), or other international organizations (IOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
- The Taft Fund is intended for projects that include a target beneficiary base of at least 50 percent refugees or returned refugees. Please note that this program can not cover activities aimed at internally displaced or stateless persons in Nigeria. Additionally, the program may fund projects that support equal access to protection, assistance, and other solutions for LGBTQI+ refugees and stateless persons.
- The proposed projects should be one-time interventions, not sustained programs.
Funding Information
- Estimated Total Program Funding: $ 25,000
- Award Ceiling: $25,000
- Award Floor: $10,000
Participants and Audiences
- Communities of at least 50 percent refugees or returned refugees.
Eligibility Criteria
- Not-for-profit organizations (NPOs,) including civil society/non-governmental organizations (NGOs) registered on the federal or state level in Nigeria.
For more information, visit Grants.gov.
- Climate x Health Small Grant Program
Deadline: 30-Nov-23
The Climate x Health initiative, co-convened by Wellcome Trust, The Rockefeller Foundation, the Global Climate and Health Alliance, and Amref Health Africa, is delighted to offer interested organizations the opportunity to apply for a small grant to strengthen joint advocacy, action, and accountability for climate and health in early 2024.
- Make the case for greater action and accountability on climate and health: This category aims to target decision-makers and persuasively call for ambitious climate and health action, leveraging anything from evidence generation to human stories to champion voices and more.
- Build capacity and partnerships amid growing climate and health community: This category aims to facilitate more impactful and coordinated action on climate and health by investing in community itself – from getting new groups involved to laying groundwork for meaningful partnerships and dialogue, to ensuring groups are equipped to work together to drive change.
Funding Information
- In this first year, the program will award a handful of small grants between USD $5,000 and $10,000 to support proposals in two overarching categories.
Eligibility Criteria
- This opportunity is primarily for civil society, non-governmental, and not-for-profit organizations. However, any type of organization may choose to apply, and the submitting organization may choose to list partners from any sector as part of their proposal.
- Organizations from all regions and geographies are eligible to apply, with a majority of funds ultimately designated for organizations in low- and middle-income countries or underfunded groups in high-income countries.
- Proposals must have clear relevance to climate and health as well as a significant advocacy, communications, or capacity-building focus.
- Proposals must have one or more specific and realistic deliverables that can be completed by 31 May 2024 (Note: Final selection of grantees anticipated in January 2024, followed by disbursement of funds. Final reports will be due by end of June 2024)
- Proposals can support new activities or deliverables, or supplement/enhance activities and deliverables that are already underway – as long as the addition of the small grant would add unique and distinct value, and this value is clearly articulated.
- Interested organizations must have at least one representative signed up to participate in the Climate x Health forum in time for the application deadline, via the “get involved” form on the climatexhealth.org website.
- Applicants must have an established organizational bank account to receive funds.
For more information, visit The Global Climate and Health Alliance.
- CFPs: Implementation Plan for the Deployment of CNG/Electric Powered Buses in Nigeria
Deadline: 7-Jan-24
The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) is seeking proposals to develop a national policy on soot-free buses and a national strategy and implementation plan for the deployment of compressed natural gas (CNG)/electric powered buses.
This project will also support Nigeria’s shift to low-sulfur fuels and the implementation of EURO IV vehicle standard adopted by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in 2020.
Reducing short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) emissions from transportation is a priority for Nigeria. The country is currently planning its CNG/electric programme and has the opportunity to adopt a strategy for deploying CNG/electric buses given the removal of the state fuel subsidy by the President in May 2023. CNG is recognized as an important transition fuel that will also provide substantial public health and climate change benefits.
This project will support implementation of the mitigation measures endorsed in Nigeria’s National Action Plan to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants. The plan aims to reduce 75 per cent of PM2.5 emissions by 2030. The 22 priority mitigation measures identified include the regulation and enforcement of vehicle emission standards and targeted adoption of CNG buses. The plan also endorses recommendations for the conversion of 25 per cent of all buses to CNG by 2030.
The strategy and implementation plan this project will develop should build on lessons learned from the city of Lagos where two electric buses have been piloted.
This work should also support harmonization with ECOWAS vehicle standards to regulate cleaner fuels and vehicles, ongoing CCAC projects on soot-free bus technologies in the region, and proposed solutions that align with targets in Nigeria’s National SLCP Action Plan and NDC.
Funding Information
- Estimated project cost: US$ 240,000 – US$ 300,000.
Expected Results
- Applicants are encouraged to propose additional outputs as needed to ensure the expected project outcomes are achieved. Applicants can determine the scope of outputs if not specified. The project is expected to deliver at a minimum:
- The Government of Nigeria endorses a national policy on soot-free bus technologies and EURO IV vehicle emissions standards by the end of the project or soon after.
- Indicator: Number of laws, regulations, or other policy mechanisms with SLCP targets or mitigation measures formally adopted, endorsed, and/or implemented.
- Output 1.1: Impact assessment on transition to soot free bus technologies and standards, including CNG and electric buses.
- Output 1.2: Policy assessment including options for bus standards, infrastructural challenges, existing institutional frameworks, potential fiscal incentives, and financing models to encourage wide adoption of soot-free buses including CNG and electric buses.
- Output 1.3: Draft policy on soot free buses with measures that can be included in national and local development plans as well as in city planning and reporting.
- The Federal Government integrates priority SLCP mitigation measures, targets, and/or co-benefits assessments related to the transport sector in the revised NDC and implementation plan by 2025.
- Indicator: Number of NDCs targeting SLCPs.
- Output 2.1: Recommendations for the inclusion of SLCP reduction priorities, targets, and co-benefits in Nigeria’s 2025 NDC.
- The Federal Government of Nigeria endorses/adopts regulations aligned with the ECOWAS directive for EURO IV vehicle standards by the end of the project or soon after.
- Indicator: Number of laws, regulations, or other policy mechanisms with SLCP targets or mitigation measures formally adopted, endorsed, and/or implemented.
- Output 3.1: Recommended regulatory options for the introduction of cleaner fuels and vehicles adopted by the ECOWAS Commission
- The Federal Government endorses a national strategy and implementation plan for deploying CNG/electric buses by the end of the project or soon after.
- Indicator: Number of action plans, roadmaps, strategies, or other future plans with SLCP targets or mitigation measures formally adopted, endorsed and/or implemented.
- Output 4.1: Strategy for introduction of CNG and electric buses nation-wide including:
- Data collection and analysis from the e-bus pilots in Lagos, and from other cities to be defined in consultation with the government to inform policy design and implementation
- Recommendations for nation-wide expansion including financing options
- Analysis of available bus standards, the adequacy of infrastructure, energy production and sourcing, technology availability and transfer, flexible financing options, operational and regulatory considerations, institutional frameworks, fiscal incentives and financing model, existing policies, strategies, and programmes that would support a nation-wide CNG/electric programme
- Output 4.1: An implementation plan for implementing the strategy
- Output 4.2: National level dissemination and endorsement of the strategy and implementation plan
- The Government of Nigeria endorses a national policy on soot-free bus technologies and EURO IV vehicle emissions standards by the end of the project or soon after.
Eligibility Criteria
- To be eligible for consideration, project proposals must meet the following requirements:
- Complete and submitted before the deadline
- Submitted by a non-governmental organization (NGO), intergovernmental organization (IGO), or other not-for-profit entity. Governments are not eligible to apply directly for funding in this call.
- Requested funding is within the estimated budget amount, or includes a clear justification for additional expenses
- Project duration is less than 24 months
- Budget criteria are met and spending caps on expenses are respected.
- For-profit entities may only participate in the project as stakeholders, co-funders, or end users. Applicants are encouraged to include for-profit entities in the development of the project proposal and/or during project implementation if their ownership of the proposed solution is key to the project’s success.
For more information, visit Climate and Clean Air Coalition.
Also Read: Funding Opportunity For African Businesses
- FREE STEM Fund to empower Girls, Women, Transgender and Non-Binary People
Deadline: 15-Dec-23
Optiver Foundation has launched the FREE STEM Fund to create equal opportunity through greater access to STEM education.
The FREE STEM Fund aims to narrow the gender gap in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.
The FREE STEM Fund will invest in initiatives that use intersectional approaches to empower girls, women, transgender and non-binary people as changemakers in the STEM sector.
Thematic Areas
- FREE STEM will fund proposals to ensure girls, women, transgender and non-binary people are widely represented in, and empowered to thrive in and advance the STEM sector. In particular, it is envisioned that FREE STEM will support proposals that take into account the following:
- Advocacy & Awareness
- Advocate for equal opportunity in STEM fields while raising awareness about the diverse opportunities and benefits for girls, women, transgender and non-binary people in STEM fields at both an individual and community level.
- Safety
- Improve girls’, women’s, transgender and non-binary people’s access to safety by addressing gender-based violence, freedom of movement and digital security in STEM fields and in the community.
- This includes emotional, psychological and physical violence
- Confidence & Leadership
- Expand girls’, women’s, transgender and non-binary people’s soft skills, representation, voice, and decision-making within STEM.
- Health & Wellbeing
- Increase access to mental and physical wellbeing services such as sexual and reproductive health and rights, proper nutrition, family planning, mental health, social wellbeing and providing access to key (health-related) services for girls, women, transgender and non-binary people within the STEM field.
- Role Models & Networks
- Create STEM role models and provide girls, women, transgender and non-binary people with a support network, including through mentorship programmes.
- Careers
- Develop STEM skills that will allow girls, women, and non-binary people to become an integral part in the STEM career market in academia, industry and entrepreneurship.
- Education & Training
- Increase girls’, women’s, transgender and non-binary people’s access to and support in STEM subjects and training, such as digital literacy and STEM subject tutoring.
- Financial Inclusion
- Ensure girls, women, transgender and non-binary people can access financial information, products and services that enable them to create a future in STEM
- Time & Accessibility
- Ensuring girls, women, transgender and non-binary people have the logistical and infrastructural means to pursue opportunities in STEM.
- The disproportionate burden of unpaid work on women and girls leads to significant time poverty. This makes it difficult to attend school or other training opportunities, take part in paid work and participate in social and community-building activities and access parental related rights and benefits.
- Advocacy & Awareness
What will be funded by FREE STEM?
- FREE STEM will invest in organisations and groups that are directly supporting and targeting the following participants:
- All girls and women, particularly those from underrepresented groups & minority communities, and transgender and non-binary people including but not limited to; black, indigenous, people of colour, LGBTIQ+, people with disabilities, sex workers, refugees, rural and marginalised urban communities, migrants or those who are stateless, people who face caste-based oppression.
- They anticipate a high number of applications to FREE STEM Fund, therefore they may decide to prioritise applications for funding. Therefore, priority will be given to underrepresented and traditionally excluded groups.
- Registered and unregistered initiatives, groups, collectives, and organisations with a focus on the rights of girls, women, transgender and non-binary people can apply for the following models:
- Atom
- Up to 10,000 EUR
- Atom
- New groups/organisations
- Aimed at new or smaller initiatives to address gender equity in STEM
- Does not require registration nor a fiscal sponsor
- Molecule
- Up to 30,000 EUR
- Either:
- Minimum 1-year demonstrable experience implementing STEM x gender equity projects OR
- Minimum 3 years of demonstrable experience in one of the Thematic Areas (see above)
- If a group/organisation is unregistered and applies for more than 10,000 EUR, they will need a fiscal sponsor.
- Cell
- Up to 50,000 EUR
- Aimed at sustaining or expanding existing STEM x gender equity projects
- Minimum 2 years demonstrable experience implementing STEM gender equity projects.
- If a group/organisation is unregistered and applies for more than 10,000 EUR, they will need a fiscal sponsor.
- Please note that if you are applying for funds larger than €10,000 and you are unregistered, you would need to name a registered organisation who can act as your fiscal sponsor.
Geographic Focus
- FREE STEM will fund work in the following regions: Africa, Asia, Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Caribbean.
Who Can Apply?
- FREE STEM Fund aims to provide direct grants to:
- Registered and unregistered initiatives, groups, collectives, and organisations focused on the rights on girls, women, transgender and non-binary people.
Eligibility Criteria
- They will be opening up to applications from groups situated in the Global South.
- If your organisation meets all of the following criteria, you can apply for FREE STEM:
- Your organisation, collective, or group must consist of a minimum of 3 people.
- Your organisation or group must align with the mission and vision of FREE STEM.
- Your project proposal must focus on the target group, and include and align with at least one of the Thematic Parameters of FREE STEM.
- Your organisation or group must have at least 60% of women, transgender and/or non-binary people in leadership positions. Priority will be given to women-led, transgender-led and non-binary-led organisations.
- Your annual organisational income for 2022 must be a maximum of €150,000. Priority will be given to grassroots organisations.
- For-profit organisations
- Large scale/capital intensive infrastructure
- Initiatives/collectives/groups/organisations founded by or dependent on political parties or government agencies/institutions
- Initiatives/collectives/groups/organisations who discriminate based on political or religious views
- Applications from individuals
- Academic scholarships
- Initiatives/collectives/groups/organisations based in the Global North
For more information, visit Optiver Foundation.
- TITAN Open call for Innovative Solutions to enhance the Value of Food Supply Chains
Deadline: 1 December 2023
In order to contribute to creating a rich and vibrant ecosystem in the food supply chain domain, TITAN will organize an Open Call for innovative solutions in order to select and fund eight of the most innovative and ambitious pilots that will enhance the value of food supply chains through increased transparency.
The TITAN project will demonstrate the latest transparency-related solutions to help drive the formation of a demand-driven European economy based on the production and consumption of healthy, sustainable, and affordable food. As such, the project will provide an extensive platform for the development of a wide range of innovations that aid transparency and address key challenges identified in the European Green Deal (EGD).
For applicants to be selected for funding via the TITAN Open Call, their solutions must be under the domain of activities of one of three TITAN pilot groups:
- Food Safety – The main goal of TITAN Food Safety Pilot group is to showcase the potential of innovative technologies, including rapid detection methods and digital tools, primarily designed for SMEs. These technologies aim to enhance transparency within the food chain, thereby boosting both food safety and authenticity.
- Sustainability – The main objective of TITAN Sustainability Pilot group is to show the potential of innovative digital technologies developed by and for SMEs to increase transparency in the food chain and stimulate sustainability for the different actors. All pilots within this group must improve access to clear and trustable information and data about the food production conditions and quality control requirements that add value for actors in the food supply chain, and possibly to end users, in terms of sustainability.
- Health – The overall aim of the pilots for Health is to show the potential of a set of innovative technologies to increase transparency in the food chain that will enable consumers to make improved food choices with regard to health. Consumers today prioritize health and sustainability in their dietary choices, driving a need for accessible and reliable food information. Education programs are pivotal in empowering all age groups. School-focused initiatives educate children about food origins, nutrition, and environmental impact, enabling them to distinguish between healthy and less nutritious options.
TITAN Key Areas of Expertise
- TITAN is a 4-year Horizon Europe R&I project with the ambition to build transparency in food supply chains via implementation of innovative (mainly digital) technologies to boost the health, sustainability, and safety of products, processes, and diets.
- In TITAN they have identified 4 different Key Areas of Expertise (KAE) where all activities in the consortium can be categorised:
- Enabling consumers to make informed food choices: TITAN will support consumers, including kids, to make healthy and sustainable food choices. Healthy meaning: (i) safe, (ii) authentic, and in line with dietary recommendations. Sustainable meaning: good for the planet, the people and the economy. Informed meaning: (i) true and complete information on the label and using additional tools for communication like QR codes and (ii) designing and testing specific approaches to better inform the consumer.
- Facilitating supply chain sustainability: TITAN will facilitate supply chain actors to build sustainable supply chains: (i) by taking proper care of earth’s natural resources, (ii) by addressing the social challenges (forced labour, decent pay, equal pay) and (iii) by promoting viable economic activities. Traceability is key in sustainable supply chain management, and a key aspect is to detect the first mile of a product supply chain.
- Development and implementation of new innovative technologies: Key characteristic of TITAN is that in each pilot new technologies are development and implemented. In TITAN they recognise three categories: (I) rapid detection methods (portable, DNA-Based, Chemical bio-affinity and sensors), (ii) Information technologies (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Blockchain/Web3, interconnectivity/IoT) and (iii) technologies specific for sustainability.
- Taking the food system approach: In all its activities TITAN intends to follow to food system approach, meaning that they are considering the entire chain, taking into account the production, processing, distribution and consumption of food as well as sustainability, climate change and the recovery of biodiversity.
Funding Information
The TITAN Open Call will cover all three mentioned domains, where at least two winners per category will be selected for funding.
- Funding granted per Pilot: €156,330
- Time for implementation: 18 months
Eligible Countries
- besides the EU Member States (including their outermost regions, as well as Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to EU Member), the following Horizon Europe associated countries are eligible to receive funding through TITAN Open Call (listed in alphabetical order): Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, New Zealand North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Tunisia, Türkiye, and Ukraine. Additional countries that are eligible for funding are:
- Morocco (applicable for the entire Programme).
- United Kingdom (UK) (applicable for the entire Programme. UK is eligible, but this is provided that the UK signs the association agreement before the signature of the subgrant agreement.
- Switzerland (funded through its own funding programme and budget).
Target Applicants
- TITAN Open Call for invites high growth FoodTech and AgriTech SMEs/startups/scaleups – with expertise and experience in TITAN key areas of expertise. Applications are allowed from single entities or small consortia of up to three SMEs.
- For applicants to be selected for funding via the TITAN Open Call, their solutions must be under the domain of activities of one of three TITAN pilot groups: Food Safety, Sustainability or Health
Eligibility Criteria
The following eligibility criteria for the TITAN Open Call include:
- The applicant is an SME, legally established and based in one of the EU Member States or an HE Associated Country as defined in HE rules for participation.
- The applicant participates as a single entity, OR as a part of a small consortium, consisting of up to three entities.
- Signed Declaration of Honour stipulating that the entity is eligible for financing in line with eligibility rules of HE, with the possibility for requests for additional documentation if/when required.
- Each applicant may submit only one (1) application to the TITAN Open Call, regardless of whether they are applying as a single entity, or as a member of a small consortium of up to three entities.
- The maximum amount of funding that a Pilot can receive via the TITAN Open Call is 156,330€, regardless of the fact whether they applied as a single entity, or as a small consortium of up to three entities.
For more information, visit TITAN.
Also Read: Funding Opportunities For African Businesses
- Climate Finance Accelerator South Africa: Call for Proposals
Deadline: 30-Nov-23
The Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA) is a global technical assistance programme funded by the UK government to support climate smart projects to access finance. The CFA operates in ten countries (Nigeria, Colombia, South Africa, Egypt, Uganda, Türkiye, Mexico, Peru, Pakistan and Viet Nam) with the aim of encouraging the flows of finance required to deliver on countries’ ambition to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
In South Africa, the CFA brings together the key actors in the climate finance investment chain: project proponents and developers, finance providers, and policymakers. Our aim is to facilitate a collaborative approach to unlocking finance for climate projects at scale and creating a pipeline of ‘investment ready’ low carbon projects. The CFA also seeks to deliver several co-benefits, such as supporting a just transition through green economy efforts that include inclusive approaches to sustainable development, improved social transformation, and building resilience to climate impacts.
The CFA supports low carbon projects that are seeking finance. Candidate projects should:
- Be designed to achieve measurable climate outcomes in terms of direct or facilitated greenhouse gas emission reductions.
- Have a minimum total financing need of US$4M.
- Be (at least) at the technical pre-feasibility stage of development.
- Have a business model that will generate commercially attractive and sustainable returns in the long-term (although some element of concessional financing may be required initially).
- We strongly encourage projects that can demonstrate positive social impacts and how they contribute to furthering gender equality and social inclusion (including financial inclusion for marginalised social groups).
- Sound governance, leadership and management of the project, including systems to monitor and measure progress against stated targets and goals.
The CFA offers a range of capacity building support to assist climate mitigation projects in accessing finance. By engaging with the CFA programme, project developers can benefit from:
Access to investors: The CFA provides project developers greater opportunities to access finance by working with potential investors to understand their needs. Through the CFA’s reach, project proponents have the opportunity to engage with commercial and concessional investors, operating both nationally and internationally. It is important to note that the CFA Programme does NOT provide direct financial/monetary support to projects but rather capacity building and access to financiers. In the past, access to financiers through the CFA Programme in South Africa has resulted in deals, but this is not guaranteed.
Coaching, capacity building and best practice insights: The CFA provides access to expert insight, awareness training, coaching and mentorship. Through knowledge sharing sessions on what matters most to financiers when making the decision to invest, project developers will gain valuable insights and develop capabilities in making projects attractive and investment ready. For example, the CFA will advise on the development of key materials such as pitch decks for investors and marketing presentations. Another example is providing Gender Equity and Social Inclusion capacity building, so that investors may appreciate the societal impact of the project.
Networking opportunities: Project developers will have the opportunity to expand their network with investors and other key stakeholders in the climate finance landscape. These include government representatives at national and local level, national and international development banks and agencies, and a cohort of projects looking to improve their bankability. The network will provide project developers with long-lasting benefits to current and future low carbon opportunities.
Increased visibility: Participation in the CFA and CFA events can raise the profile of a project amongst a range of stakeholders from regional and national policy makers, through to local and international finance providers.
Achieving low ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) project objectives: The CFA supports projects to realise and communicate their positive impacts, which are important to investors alongside commercial objectives. The CFA has access to climate, sectoral and social impact specialists and can assist projects to support local and national climate ambitions, as well as helping to unlock co-benefits such as poverty reduction, improved gender equality and social inclusion, and tackling biodiversity loss.
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Climate Finance Accelerator South Africa
- Tutator Forward Grants for Nonprofit Organizations and Social Enterprises
Deadline: 4-Dec-23
Ready to elevate your organization’s impact with groundbreaking software? Join Tutator Forward! The ultimate grant program that fulfills your goals. It is an in-kind grant program for organizations that are working to make a positive impact on society or the environment.
Tutator Forward is an in-kind grant, meaning they do not give financial support. Instead, they will work with grantees to develop a custom software solution for their social or environmental projects. The development of the software will be done at no cost for the grantees.
They work with the grantee organizations to understand their needs and requirements, and they develop a custom software solution that can help them to achieve their goals.
What will you get?
- Tell them what type of tool you need to manage and accelerate your impact. They’ll create the perfect software solution for you. With a dedicated project team, training, and support for 6 months, they’ve got you covered!
Who can apply for a grant?
- Nonprofit organizations and for-profit social enterprises that have impactful programs addressing social or environmental issues anywhere in the world are eligible to apply.
For more information, visit Tutator.