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Funding Opportunities For African Businesses

Funding opportunities for African businesses

1. Request for Proposals: PAD Antivirals for Pandemic Influenza (up to USD 25 million)

     Deadline: 22-Nov-22

The Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) is seeking proposals to support research designed to develop novel small-molecule antivirals targeting pandemic influenza.

PAD – Pandemic Antiviral Discovery – is a global philanthropic initiative launched by: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Open Philanthropy in the US, and the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) in Denmark. The aspiration for PAD is to help researchers worldwide identify and develop phase 2-ready antiviral drug candidates targeting pandemic threat viruses, including coronaviruses, paramyxoviruses, and orthomyxoviruses. This will greatly improve the chances that effective antivirals can be developed and deployed much faster next time the world faces a pandemic threat.


Proposals should be consistent with at least one of these 4 areas:

Also Read:
  • Direct acting antivirals with data demonstrating clear differentiation from currently marketed influenza antiviral products
  • Host targeted therapies with data demonstrating clear benefit over currently marketed influenza virus therapeutics
  • Compounds that target multiple pathways or mechanisms to reduce the likelihood of resistance emergence
  • Compounds demonstrating activity against drug resistant influenza variants
Funding Information
  • A total of up to USD 25 million is expected to be allocated to proposals submitted to this RfP, but this amount is not fixed and may be updated depending on the quantity and quality of the proposals. The number of proposals supported will depend on the quality and expected budget. Exploratory projects should not exceed a budget of approximately USD 2 million and later-stage validation projects should not exceed a budget of approximately USD 10 million.
  • It is expected that the projects applied for will be between 1 and 3 years in duration. Under exceptional circumstances a longer project period can be negotiated with the PAD partners later in the application process.
Eligibility Criteria

If the eligibility criteria listed below are not adhered to in the submitted proposal, it will receive an administrative rejection:

  • PAD seeks to actively engage researchers from all over the world as part of the drug discovery process, but applicants must be established investigators with their own line of research and must be employed for the duration of the project at the administrating institution registered in the proposal.
  • The administrating institution/organization must be able to accept and manage the potential grant. Projects can be anchored at any type of research organization, including academia, not-for profit and commercial organizations.
  • The scope of the project must be within the scientific scope of this RfP and support the PAD aspirations.
  • An applicant (i.e., the principal investigator (PI) responsible for the project and submitting the proposal) may submit only one proposal to this specific RfP. Different PI’s can be anchored at the same institution/organization. Co-applicants can be a part of more than one proposal to this RfP, and an applicant on one proposal can be a co-applicant or collaborator on other proposals.

For more information,


  1. Fuze by Digital Africa for Francophone African Tech Startups (Eur100, 000 in Funding)

    Deadline: unspecified.

Fuze by digital Africa is a facility dedicated to entrepreneurs who are preparing or who have just launched their tech startup in French-speaking Africa. Fuse gives access to tickets of 20,000 and 30,000E adapted to your stage of development, by focusing on a specific stage that is currently underserved and underfunded in Africa, fuse is a unique model on the continent.

Also Read: Funding Opportunities For African Businesses

Early-stage businesses operating in francophone African nations are eligible to apply for equity capital from fuze, a digital Africa investment facility, up to EUR50, 000 (us$48,000). President Emmanuel macron introduced the digital Africa initiative in 2018, a French government-backed organization that supports African tech entrepreneurs.


  • Fuze targets the 25 countries of French-speaking Africa.
  • Fuze only targets French-speaking African countries where funding for ideation is still too underdeveloped.
  • The company is less than 18 months old
  • The company is founded or co-founded by at least one citizen of French-speaking African countries.
  • The startup has a tech component in its product or business model
  • The startup has operations (cost or profit) in a French-speaking African country.


  • A first ideation ticket: 20k EUR
  • A follow-up ticket of 30k EUR
  • Possibility to directly invest a ticket of 50k EUR

Application procedure:

Built in a partnership logic, fuze relies on a network of actors operating on the continent to identify target start-ups and support them in their deployment. The process is done in 4 main steps:

Deposit application:

Provide some details about your company by completing the online application form.

Partner’s opinion:

The fuze team contact your support structure to get to know you better.

Analysis and evaluation of the startup:

The fuze team examines your application carefully. If you meet our investment criteria, you move on to the pitch stage.


The investment team makes its decision and fuze finalize the investment together.

For more information:

Visit the official webpage of the fuze finalize the investment together

  1. Acumen East Africa Fellows Program 2023 For Emerging Leaders In East Africa (Fully Funded)

Deadline: November 28, 2022

Each year, the Acumen East Africa Fellows Programme brings together 20 extraordinary individuals tackling poverty and injustice in their communities and equips them with the knowledge, skills, and community to strengthen their leadership, as well as the capacity of their ventures to scale and create meaningful change in east Africa.

The fellowship begins with an intensive leadership programme. Fellows remain in their jobs while taking part in a series of multi-day virtual seminars, paired with online group and individual assignments between seminars, all connected by group practice. This is where practical skills meet moral imagination. The programme is designed to increase a fellow’s capacity to lead social change and tackle problems of poverty and injustice.

After the first year, fellows become part of acumen’s global community of social innovators, who are committed to life-long learning, collaboration, and accompaniment as they drive change.

The next east Africa fellow

4.  Small Grants 2022 Call for Proposals for Sustainable Livelihoods Projects in Zimbabwe

    Deadline: 11-Nov-22

UNDP is inviting interested NGOs/CBOs to develop innovative proposals for projects towards supporting awareness and education on conservation; sustainable livelihoods activities on community based Sustainable Forest Management (SFM); Sustainable Land Management (SLM); Human Wildlife Conflict (HWC) Management; and alternative sources of income and energy in targeted Community Wildlife Conservancies (CWCs) in Hurungwe, Mbire and Muzarabani Districts.

Thematic Areas

The focus should be on any one of the following thematic areas:

  • Thematic Area 1 -Awareness and Education: Awareness campaigns targeting Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT), deforestation and climate changeadaptation and mitigation across the project area covering all 3 districts. This thematic area contributes to output 1.6 of the ZVBP
  • Thematic Area 2 – LivelihoodEnhancement: Sustainable livelihood activities that contribute directly to community based SFM, SLM and HWC management outcomes. This thematic area contributes to output 3.2 of the ZVBP
  • Thematic Area 3 – Alternative Sources of Energy: The provision of alternative sources of energy, clean energy and energy saving technologies in the target Districts. This thematic area contributes to output 3.4 of the ZVBP.
Funding Information

Thematic Area 1

  • Duration: Up to 12 months
  • Amount: USD $50 000.00

Thematic Area 2

  • Duration: Up to 15 months
  • Amount: USD $150 000.00

Thematic Area 3

  • Duration: Up to 15 months
  • Amount: USD $150 000.00.

This Call for proposals is therefore founded on these three (3) outputs, which are

  • Project area awareness campaigns targeting IWT, deforestation and climate change adaptation and mitigation,
  • Livelihood activities on community based SFM, SLM and HWC management and
  • Provision of alternative sources of energy, clean energy and energy saving equipment for local communities in target areas.

UNDP and MECTHI are committed to implementing the small grants projects through local NGOs/CBOs because these are locally rooted institutions that have great potential in promoting sustainable community development.

Target Beneficiaries

Target beneficiaries/groups for project activities comprise of the following:

  • Community members and Local authorities, in the target CWCs (men, women, youths, People Living with Disabilities (PLWD), indigenousand vulnerable communities/groups)
  • Applicants should develop project proposals in consultation with communities from the proposed participating wards (evidence for consultations may be required).
Eligibility Criteria

Prospective grantees should be registered NGOs/CBOs that have demonstrated competences and experience in working with local communities in promoting sustainable livelihoods, environmental awareness, biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation and mitigation. The attached UNDP Request for Information (RFI) form will be used to assess eligibility.

Required Competencies
  • The organization must have technical and administration staff
  • Proof of registration as an NGO/CBO including copies of registration certificate and constitution or another governing document
  • Bank account: Grantees will be required to open a separate bank account for the project
  • Demonstrated experience in the chosen thematic area
  • In-depth knowledge and experience in setting up local community development initiatives
  • Demonstrated experience and capacity to establish partnerships with local authorities, private sector and CBOs would be a distinct advantage
  • Project vehicle and other assets are an added advantage.

For more information,


 5. Calling on Researchers and Companies to Deliver Innovation in the AI for Media Sectors

 Deadline: 30-Nov-22

The AI4Media Open Call #2 invites entrepreneurs, companies, research organizations and researchers that develop and integrate applied research in the field of AI, to develop new research and applications addressing AI for the media sectors, and contribute to the enrichment of the existing pool of research and technological tools.

AI4Media Objectives

The main objective of the AI4Media – Open Call #2 is to engage entrepreneurs, companies (e.g., SMEs, mid-caps) and researchers that develop and integrate applied research in the field of AI, to develop new and innovative research and applications for AI. Such developments must contribute to the enrichment of the pool of research and technological tools to be made available – via AI4Media – on the AI4EU (AI-on-Demand) platform.

Open Call Tracks

Open call tracks AI4Media Open Call #2 targets two types of projects, divided into tracks:

  • Track #1: RESEARCH

Targets higher education and research institutions, academia and researchers to increase the value of the AI4Media ecosystem by expanding, developing and integrating new research in AI media domains. Projects funded under the Research track will run for 12 months and receive up to €50.000 each.

  • Track #2: APPLICATION

Targets entrepreneurs, companies (micro-SMEs, SMEs, mid-caps) to develop innovative AI applications for the media sector by building on the research coming out of AI4Media or by adopting AI solutions to the media sector. Projects funded under the Application track will run for 9 months and receive up to €50.000 each.

Funding Information

A total of €1,000,000 has been budgeted for the two planned AI4Media open calls. For Open Call #2, a total of €500.000 will be made available, funding up to 10 projects, five for each track:

  • RESEARCH track: 5 projects with up to €50.000 per project.
  • APPLICATION track: 5 projects with up to €50.000 per project.
  • Financial support

Equity-free funding of up to €50.000 per project.

  • Market-driven Services

Dedicated boot camps and online events to support market take-up of developed applications.

Business support to promote innovations by SMEs and demonstrate them to cluster organisations and media stakeholders.

  • Coaching

All projects will be allocated a coach to support the work developed and the integration into the AI4Media network

  • Visibility and promotion

Major visibility, promotion and networking opportunities are offered as part of the AI4Media project and related networks.

Research Challenges
  • C1-R Reinforcement learning and the challengeof generalization.
  • C2-R Evolutionary learning and the challenge of evaluating quality.
  • C3-R Scarce data and the cross-media transfer of knowledge.
  • C4-R New decentralized collaborative learning paradigms for AI.
  • C5-R Quantum Reinforcement Learning for classical data processing.
  • C6-R Frugal cross-modal representation for media research.
  • C7-R Broadening the spectrum of Interpretable AI.
  • C8-R Standardizing AI datasets and model creation.
  • C9-R Novel AI-powered enablers for social media research.
  • C10-R Social media alert system to avoid the attention gathering loop.
  • C11-R Representative and Inclusive Depictions of AI.
  • C12-R-OPEN Open Research Challenge.

Also Read: Funding opportunities For African Businesses

Application Challenges

  • C1-A Realizing a hybrid AI application in AI4EU Experiments.
  • C2-A AI global support to informative content production.
  • C3-A New learning methods for music overcoming scarce data.
  • C4-A AI for suggesting visually appealing images based on text.
  • C5-A Recommender Systems to Support Exploratory Research with Media.
  • C6-A AI for automated testing and sound synthesis.
  • C7-A-OPEN Open Application Challenge.
Eligibility Criteria

The AI4Media – Open Call #2 will fund projects implemented by single entities (groups of entities are not eligible) that are considered eligible under H2020 rules. The following type of entities are invited to submit their innovative research or application ideas:

  • European mid-caps, SMEs, and micro-SMEs (as defined in EU law – EU recommendation 2003/3611).
  • Individual entrepreneurs and individual sole-traders (established in an eligible country, eligibility is about the person’s residence and not origin).
  • European secondary and higher education establishments, research institutes and other not-for-profit research organizations.

The following additional conditions apply:

  • The participating organizations should not have been declared bankrupt or have initiated bankruptcy procedures at the time of applying.
  • The organizations or individuals applying should not have convictions for fraudulent behavior, other financial irregularities, and unethical or illegal business practices.
  • There should not be any conflictof interest with any of the AI4Media partners (beneficiaries),
  • Applicants already funded under the AI4Media Open Call #1 are not eligible to participate in Open Call #2.

Eligible countries:

Single legal entities established in any of the following countries are eligible to participate in the AI4Media – Open Call #2:

  • The Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU), including their outermost regions.
  • The Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to the Member States.
  • H2020 associated countries (those that have signed an agreement with the EU as identified in Article 7 of the Horizon 2020 Regulation): according to the updated list published by the EC.
  • UK applicants are eligible under the conditions set by the EC for H2020 participation at the time of the deadline of the call.

Financial eligibility:

  • Each application may receive a maximum of up to €50.000.
  • The total amount requested must represent 100% of the project costs (including indirect cots). All proposals will be required to provide a justification of the planned costs and resources of the project.

For more information,


6.  The Yves Rocher Foundation’s €10,000 Grant Opportunity for Women around the world

    Deadline: 30 November 2022

The Terre de Femmes International Award is a thematic prize now open to all citizens of the world involved in projects with strong environmental, social and societal impact. This award rewards field actions carried out by a woman or a group of women, in a non-profit structure.

The fifth edition of this prize is on the theme: “Wetlands, natural areas at risk!”

Jacques Rocher created the Terre de Femmes prize of the Yves Rocher Foundation, recognized as being of public utility, which accompanies nearly 500 women around the world who act daily for the preservation of nature.

Award Information

Amount of the endowment: 10000 €.


Among the topics that can be addressed:

  • Conservation of wetlands’ unique biodiversity.
  • Restoration of blue carbon ecosystems (mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and coastal marshes).
  • Preservation of peat bogs and the species that depend upon them.
  • Sustainable wateruse projects.
  • Cleaning rivers and wetlands.
  • Sustainable agricultureprojects in wetlands.
  • Integration of wetlands in urban environments.
  • Raising awareness among local communities and future generations to preserve these fragile ecosystems.
  • Management, preservation and awareness work on RAMSAR sites in Franceor elsewhere.
  • Participation in the conservation of species linked to wetlands (flora & fauna).
  • Projects related to the recognition of a site as a wetland and its conservation.
  • You are an adult woman worldwide involved in a project that helps to protect wetlands through a non-profit organisation.
  • Your project has a strong environmental and social impact (involvement of local communities).
  • Your structure is an NGO, an association or a foundation.
  • You need some help for your project.

For more information, visit:


7. PEDL inviting Applications for Exploratory Research Grants

  Deadline: 15-Nov-22

The Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries (PEDL) is inviting applications for Exploratory Research Grants that aims to better understand what determines the strength of market forces driving efficiency in low-income countries (LICs).

Existing research suggests that the private sector in LICs faces a multitude of constraints that act upon each other. What is needed is research that allows us to understand how these constraints interact.

The objective of PEDL is to fund cutting-edge, policy-oriented research that could be published in leading academic journals and be relevant to the policy dialogue in LICs. It will promote research related to private enterprises of all sizes and invites applications in any aspect of private sector development, with a particular emphasis on PEDL’s four priority research areas:

  • Market frictions, management and organizations
  • Trade and macro models – agglomeration and spatial location of firms
  • High growth entrepreneurship
  • Social compliance and the environment

They also particularly encourage proposals that address one or more of PEDL’s three cross-cutting themes:

  • Fragile and conflictaffected states
  • Gender
  • Unlocking data for understanding markets and firms
  • More information on PEDL’s research and cross-cutting themes can be found in their Research Strategy.

ERGs are designed to allow researchers to:

  • Explore new approaches to the study of firms in LICs; and
  • To develop new (or build on) existing sources of data on firms in LICs.

 Funding Categories

  • Data Acquisition/Field Work
  • Travel
  • Research Stipend
  • Research Assistance.

 Funding Information

  • ERGs are grants of between £10,000 and £40,000.
  • Duration: ERGs typically run for 12 months.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Only individuals can apply for an ERG. The grants will be issued through a contract between CEPR and the successful applicant directly. In exceptional circumstances, a contract with an institution can be issued, but the contract will be non-negotiable, and the institution cannot take any overheads. This also applies to doctoral students.
  • PEDL invites applications from researchers located anywhere in the world.
  • Note that they are currently unable to fund projects located in Myanmarand Palestine.

The following costs cannot be reimbursed by PEDL:

  • Administrative charges or institutional overheads.
  • Any identifiable indirect taxes
  • Interest owed
  • Provisions for potential future losses
  • Exchange losses
  • Excessive expenditure
  • Transaction fees
  • Recruitment costs.

For more information,


8. ALZ Discovery Grant Program

      Deadline: 18-Nov-22

The Alzheimer’s Association is seeking applications for its Leveraging Model & Data Resources to Advance Alzheimer’s and Dementia Discovery Program (ALZ Discovery Grant Program).

The ALZ Discovery Grant Program will aim to fund projects that leverage and utilize data sets such as those now available through the MODEL-AD AD Knowledge Portal or MODEL-AD and related animal models available through The Jackson Laboratory for new research proposals. Although Alzheimer’s research has significantly advanced in recent years, the field still faces challenges in the ability to translate basic science discoveries into effective treatments and evidence-based clinical practices for dementia care. Preference will be given to projects that are collaborative and multidisciplinary.

The Alzheimer’s Association has recognized the opportunity to leverage the tremendous resources being developed and advanced throughout the field, including those developed by MODEL-AD centers.

Funding Information
  • The maximum grant amount is $250,000, with anticipated funding ranges to be $100,000 to $250,000 depending on the project scope and resources utilized (experimental or experimental/computational projects).
  • Projects using entirely public downloadable data from AD Knowledge Portal (computational projects) and no other resources (for example: animals, brain tissue, organs) are limited to $100,000. Budget spending should be appropriately aligned to the specific aims and proposed milestones of the project. The maximum project duration is 3 years for projects utilizing live animals and up to 2 years for projects not using live animals. There is no minimum timeframe. Indirect costs are restricted to no more than 10% of the total budget and are inclusive of the maximum grant amount noted.

They encourage investigators to explore the data of the models that are available through the AD Knowledge Portal and Agora and explore the data resources available in the MODEL-AD Explorer.

  • The AD Knowledge Portal, is an NIA-supported FAIR data repository and knowledgebase hosting and providing access to data from humans, animal models and cell based models, analytical and experimental tools for research on AD, related dementias and brain aging.
  • The portal-linked open source platform Agora features over 600 candidate targets for AD along with the supporting evidence and durability information, and allows researchers to explore whether their gene(s) of interest is associated with AD based on various, curated, systems biology meta-analyses.
  • The Model AD Explorer open source platform is also linked to the AD Knowledge Portal and provides summaries of phenotypic data for available mouse models including the LOAD mouse models developed by the MODEL-AD consortium. The platform allows researchers to explore the molecular homology between individual mouse models and the human disease.
Eligibility Criteria
  • In general, public, private, domestic and foreign research laboratories, medical centers, hospitals and universities are eligible to apply. State and federal government-appropriated laboratories in the U.S. and abroad and for-profit organizations are not eligible to serve as the primary applicant institution. However, state and federal government scientists can participate as collaborating scientists with research teams from other eligible applicant institutions. The applying institution must provide documentation verifying non-profit status.
  • For the Letter of Intent (LOI), you will be required to upload proof of your organization’s not-for-profit status. An IRS Letter of Determination is not accepted and you must submit either of the following:
  • W-9 that is signed and dated by the signing official for US entities
  • W-8 or W-8-BEN that is signed and dated by the signing official for international entities.
  • Each must include the EIN, TIN or VAT number.
  • For non-profit organizations (non-academic), additional documentation may be required to confirm your organization has segregation of duties between transaction execution and transaction recording.
  • The Alzheimer’s Association recognizes the need to increase the number of scientists from underrepresented groups in the research enterprise. Researchers from these groups are encouraged to apply.
  • Full time postdoctoral fellows that are able to serve as pi on funding applications and/or those with an administrative PI, Assistant and Associate Professors are eligible to apply.


  • Overlapping funding of more than one Alzheimer’s Association grant is not allowed. Investigators who currently have an active Association grant may apply for another awardin the last year of their grant if that last year concludes by June 30th before the start of the new funding year on July 1.
  • Investigators that have received Alzheimer’s Association funding and are currently delinquent in submitting required reports or have awards closed as “Incomplete” are not eligible to apply.
  • Current members of the Association’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Group (MSAG) and the International Research Grant Program (IRGP) Council are ineligible to:
    • Compete as a primary applicant or co-investigator for any research grant to receive any financial benefit from an application. These individuals may be listed as key personnel/collaborators to an application and will be recused from participating in their peer-review.

Also Read: Funding Opportunities For Businesses

For more information,


9. Ocean Storytelling Writing Grant – Apply Now!

     Deadline: 30-Nov-22

Save Our Seas Foundation (SOSF) is delighted to introduce its Ocean Storytelling Writing Grant as the latest development in their continued drive to support a new generation of ocean storytellers who can convey conservation crises with precision and empathy and kindle the kind of wonder that nudges us all closer to the sea.

This writing category builds on the legacy of their previous photography grants and is dedicated to supporting a diverse generation of emerging conservation storytellers. While they don’t expect all applicants to be writers with a marine focus, they are specifically looking for writers who can tell conservation stories about the ocean. Whether they describe marine animals themselves, or fisheries, or the communities whose lives are intertwined with the life of the sea, a writer’s words can inform, transport, enchant, endear and persuade.

Successful grantees will receive a paid assignment to cover a conservation story under the direct mentorship of the Storytelling Grant team. They particularly wish to support early career and emerging storytellers and aim to encourage new voices with fresh perspectives and writing approaches, so although applicants must be already committed to writing, they should have no more than five years of professional experience in any writing-related discipline. They encourage women and applicants from underrepresented communities to apply for this opportunity. Applications will be accepted both directly via open call and through nomination.

Award Information

Three winners will be selected for the grant.

  • Each winner will receive a US$2,000 cash prize and will be given a paid writing assignment to document an SOSF-supported marine researchor conservation project. He or she will take an all-expenses-paid trip to visit that SOSF project anywhere in the world to complete the assignment. The SOSF has funded more than 400 projects in more than 85 countries and each winning writer will be assigned to tell one of these stories.
  • The grantees will be mentored by Dr Helen Scales (marine biologist and bestselling author), Swati Thiyagarajan (conservation journalist at the Sea Change Project) and Dr Lauren De Vos (SOSF sciencewriter). Dr James Lea (CEO of the SOSF) and Jade Schultz (SOSF content manager) join the panel as judges.
  • All winners will be given the chance to showcase their published marine conservation story assignment.
Eligibility Criteria
  • The SOSF Ocean Storytelling Writing Grant is open only to emerging writers, which means applicants must have no more than five years of professional experience in any photography-related discipline (but must be already committed to the profession).
  • Application must be via the SOSF grant online portal
  • All applicants must complete the written questionnaire as part of their application.
  • All stories entered are used only for judging purposes.
  • Applicants must be 18 years or older.
  • Employees of SOSF and anyone connected with the administration of the competition are not eligible to apply for this grant.
  • The conditions set out in the entry rules are binding.
  • By submitting your application, you automatically agree to abide by the entry rules of the SOSF Ocean Storytelling Writing Grant.
  • The feature-style story must not exceed 1000 words.
  • The story must transport the reader to the ocean and include some aspect of conservation and/or science. Applicants should think broadly – story topics can range from the animals themselves, scientific discoveries, to fisheries and the communities whose lives are intertwined with marine life.
  • By submitting an application, the applicant grants the SOSF the right to share the submitted stories on the SOSF website and SOSF social mediaif they are selected as a finalist. The applicant also retains the full and exclusive commercial rights.

General Approach

  • At the Save Our Seas Foundation (SOSF), they have a strong history of supporting marine conservation and educationprojects and believe that to truly translate knowledge into effective, meaningful change they must communicate through engaging stories.
  • They are specifically looking for writers who can tell conservation stories about their oceans, anything from the animals themselves, to fisheries, to the communities whose lives are intertwined with marine life.
  • They are particularly seeking to support early career and emerging storytellers and aim to encourage new voices with new perspectives and writing approaches. As such, while applicants must already be committed to writing, they should have no more than five years of professional experience in any writing related discipline.
  • As with their photography grants, they especially encourage women and applicants from underrepresented communities to apply for this opportunity.

Applications will be accepted both directly via open call and through nomination.

Obligations of Grant Holders

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  • SOSF Storytelling Grantees agree to document a marine conservation story to be mutually agreed with SOSF in 2023 in the form of a feature article (2,000+ words) and published in the Save Our Seas magazine, or other outlets.
  • They will receive a cash prize of 2,000 USD and be paid a fee for the assignment, with all expenses covered to visit an SOSF project somewhere in the world.
  • The copyright of all materials produced while on assignment remains with the grantee, and they will be helped by the grant team to have their work published in a feature-orientated outlet.
  • The winning grantees also give SOSF permission to use all materials produced on assignment (the article, any media) exclusively for a 12-month period (apart from where SOSF and the grantee mutually work to publish the piece in an external outlet). After that period the grantee is free to license/sell the work to other media but SOSF retains indefinite non-exclusive non-commercial usage rights, which include:
  • Use for Save Our Seas magazine.
  • The SOSF website and social networks.
  • All media related to the promotion of the SOSF Ocean Storytelling Writing Grant.
  • Not-for-profit conservation and awareness usage by the SOSF and its conservation scientists.
  • All entrants agree that, if awarded the grant, they will participate in related publicity and agree to the use of their name and likeness for the
  • Purposes of advertising, promotion and publicity without additional compensation (in accordance with their privacy policy).
  • The decision of the organizers on all matters relating to the competition is final and binding. The organizers reserve the right to amend the rules and to waive breach of the rules at their sole discretion, acting reasonably.

For more information,


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