People & Money

7 Management Lessons from the movie New Amsterdam 

The movie “New Amsterdam” is a TV Series that premiered on NBC on September 25, 2018, and ended on January 17, 2023. It featured Ryan Eggold as Dr. Max Goodwin, the newest medical director at New Amsterdam Hospital. His management style is an inspiration because of the methods he adopted which started by asking the simple question “How can I help?”. 

Here are some of the management lessons, I learned while watching the movie. 

  1. PRINCIPLES – He asked “How can I help” and continued thus despite all odds.

Max’s focus was always to help. His statement to his people was “I work for you so you can work for your patients”. He listened and ensured fewer bureaucracies so he & his people can get the work done. His patients were his priority. As managers, your people & patients are your stakeholders. Identify them and set standards that protect them. 

2. PEOPLE – He cared about his people. 

Max believed that if his people (staff) are not happy and healthy they cannot give the best health care to their patients. He made provisions to ensure they had the best including more time that they could send with their families. He met them where they were, even the janitors felt his care. His method of laying off was epic. Instead of just asking them to go, he seconded them to another hospital because he helped them identify other areas, in which they could be useful. Chief of all, he trusted them to do great work.

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3. PROCESSES – He knew all the processes and procedures. 

Max knew every protocol to adhere to as a health worker within the system. Yes, he took risks that were sometimes out of the book, but he ensured the paperwork was always done. He understood costs but looked more toward the benefits and made decisions in that regard.

4. PRIORITIZATION – He had a hot list

His hot list was his “to-do” list and he ensured his assistant strikes out anything that would he was not ready to deal with because of less information. No, he wasn’t scared to face them but he always wanted to ensure he had sufficient facts to face them.

5. PERSONALITY – He was a good man

Max had a great character. He had a great personality that transcends his work life. Everywhere he went he wanted to help even when it almost cost him his life.

6. POWER – He understood power play

Max knew who wields the most power at every point in time, and always made effort to keep them close. He also knew how to use it to his advantage especially when it concerns his people and patients.

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7. POSSIBILITIES – He thinks out of the box

Often, Max was the last resort for other doctors because he seemed to have a solution for everything. He was the Medical Director and knew his onions well but never failed to think out of the box and challenge the status quo when necessary. The most impressive lessons for us were how Max dealt with layoffs and how he improvised to make more time available for his people to have family time. We hope managers will adopt these lessons. 

P.S.: Big kudos to all health workers out there that daily strive to ensure we get the best care. We see you and we appreciate you!

The movie which can be seen on Netflix would be taken off the streaming platform on February 14, 2023.

Grace Adejare-Ajuwon, Co-founder, Grayz Consult / Header Image Photo Credit:

You can reach out to Grace via email here

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